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June 25 Troy Ohio


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I will be at the speedway on 41 and N elm in Troy, oh (exit 74 off of 75) at 1630 on June 25 and I plan on taking a nice easy ride up 55 to Urbana, grab a burger at the smallest hole in the wall place I can find, then heading back the same direction. If you want to ride then great! If you don't want to ride or don't want to ride ATGATT, my feelings won't be hurt. I will have at MINIMUM helmet, gloves, jacket, tall boots, and long jeans.

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This would be Friday I'm stuck working otherwise I would join you. Grr. But I will go out of my way to stop and bullshit if your there on my way to work.

The 25th is supposed to be Saturday, what time are you on your way to work? I'm always up for bullshitting!!

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I will be at the speedway on 41 and N elm in Troy, oh (exit 74 off of 75) at 1630 on June 25 and I plan on taking a nice easy ride up 55 to Urbana, grab a burger at the smallest hole in the wall place I can find, then heading back the same direction. If you want to ride then great! If you don't want to ride or don't want to ride ATGATT, my feelings won't be hurt. I will have at MINIMUM helmet, gloves, jacket, tall boots, and long jeans. (only until I find pants, leather or textile I can afford


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sorry i missed the ride even after you said friday i was still thinking saturday. hope it was a good ride.

It's Saturday, I'll be at the marathon about 1030, leaving about 1100, let's ride!

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I'm stuck at work until 3pm, then straight home to get the yardwork done before dinner time - then I may have to help a friend get his mower running so he won't want to borrow mine:D

Another month of softball and my daughter's season will be over - then my seat time allowance will surely increase substantially!!!

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