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Electrical issues?


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So I'm stuck in uniform at a meijer gas station. I stroll in to get dome milk turn the key off before coming to a full stop. And now the bike won't start. Turn key, fuel pump primes but won't turn over. Tried to bump start but that didn't work. The batteries been weak, but I was riding for about 15 minutes on the highway before this.

Ideas? Could it be my PC? I haven't had time to get it tuned so the maps not perfect and everytime I try to start the bike it's a lil weak sounding if that makes sense.

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regulator maybe? Mine just went out on the VFR and had the same symptoms. Put new battery in and 2 weeks later the regulator (at least I'm pretty sure thats the problem) kicked the bucket

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Does it crank?

Does it crank slowly?

If you know your battery has been weak, that would be the first place id start. ECUs can get stupid when voltage drops below 11volts. Just because you rode for 15 minutes doesn't mean the battery accepted the charge. If its been weak then its only been getting a surface charge and is sulfated.

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