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Funeral étiquette?


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Thinking back, I wish a LEO would have been around for a family members funeral a few years ago. We were on a limited access highway, taking the off-ramp when another car cuts into the procession. Very disrespectful, and from what I've read here THAT would be illegal. I don't wish vengeance on them, just for them to have been stopped and "encouraged" to think about what they had done.

To be honest, I had never read the law until I just posted that. However, it has always pissed me off to see people blow by processions or not move over. I grew up in a small town, and that is just what you did. You pulled over and stopped until the last car passed.

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It was a shocker to me when I moved here from Indiana several years ago I wasn't used to the way Ohio treats funeral processions. Just after we moved here a funeral procession was on a two lane highway coming towards me I put my flashers on and stopped. My wife asked me what I was doing. I explained that we are required to stop unless on divided mutilane highway or interstate in Indiana.

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It was a shocker to me when I moved here from Indiana several years ago I wasn't used to the way Ohio treats funeral processions. Just after we moved here a funeral procession was on a two lane highway coming towards me I put my flashers on and stopped. My wife asked me what I was doing. I explained that we are required to stop unless on divided mutilane highway or interstate in Indiana.

That how I do. Most people do actually minus the ones wearing bedsheets.

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I've seen motorcycle escorts force approaching traffic to pull over and stop. That would be an exception though.

Hell, if it looks a Veteran, stop right in traffic, get off or out of vehicle, and salute honors while passing. Teach people of the street some respect...

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I stop for them when coming the other way. Most everyone around me normally does also. When going the same direction, I keep my distance and will not pass. Regardless of the law, it's just respect.

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I've seen motorcycle escorts force approaching traffic to pull over and stop. That would be an exception though.

Hell, if it looks a Veteran, stop right in traffic, get off or out of vehicle, and salute honors while passing. Teach people of the street some respect...

I stop when on 2 lane and even 4 if its safe I just had a great uncle pass that was a vet and the most decorated one in his home county (Campbell County, TN) when we left for the burial even going down 2-4 lane roads EVERYONE stopped and waited for the procession to pass that's how I feel it should be done but in OH I'm likely to get hit trying to stop on a 4 lane for a funeral

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forget the funeral for now. what about a stopped school bus on a 4 lane road?

I watch people going the opposite way stop all the time and it drives me crazy. I don't act a fool and make a scene by blowing my horn or gunning it around them, but they don't have to stop and I shake my head.

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I guess I'm an asshole because I find no issue in safely passing on a multi lane road and won't stop if they are coming in the opposite direction. Its not like the hole in the ground is going anywhere :dunno:

I will however not disrupt a procession. I won't try and change lanes in between one, will stop at intersections and what not and cut them off. That in my mind is disrespectful, not the other stuff

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forget the funeral for now. what about a stopped school bus on a 4 lane road?

I watch people going the opposite way stop all the time and it drives me crazy. I don't act a fool and make a scene by blowing my horn or gunning it around them, but they don't have to stop and I shake my head.

I remember when I was in college in Toledo traveling E/B Airport Highway and passing a W/B stopped schoolbus on a 5 lane portion of road. As the kids (early elementary school kids) were boarding the bus, the adult crossing guard yelled "HEY YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT! YOU HAVE TO STOP FOR A STOPPED FUCKING BUS!" The kids didn't need to go to school that day, they got their vocabulary lesson at the bus stop at 7:30 AM.

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forget the funeral for now. what about a stopped school bus on a 4 lane road?

I watch people going the opposite way stop all the time and it drives me crazy. I don't act a fool and make a scene by blowing my horn or gunning it around them, but they don't have to stop and I shake my head.

This annoys me too. Bus drivers are not allowed to set kids down on the wrong side of a 4-lane road (divided or not). Only cars in the same direction as the bus have to stop. I often encounter an oncoming school bus that stops on Riverside Drive. Half the time the car in front of me keep going (as they should) and half the time they stop. As above, it's not gonna hold me up long enough to make it worth honking or swerving to get around, but it's still annoying.

Another law I wish people stuck with too..

- When you make a turn onto a road with 2 or more lanes in your direction, then...

-- If you are in the leftmost lane going into the intersection then you turn into the leftmost lane exiting the intersection (or rightmost lane turn to the rightmost lane).

-- If there are two turn lanes and you are in the second turn lane from left (or right) then you turn into the second lane from left (or right).

-- If there are road markings directing you which lane to take, follow them.

If people followed these rules (like they should) then people from opposing lanes could turn into the same side-street (that has 2 or more lanes) at the same time legally and safely. But people are lazy and turn into the furthest lane because the steering wheel is too hard for poor little arms to turn another 90deg. Or because they see an oncoming car turning too and they don't know the law so they turn into the furthest lane to show the oncoming car who's boss.

Finally... Stop signs. Not the usual complaint here. If I approach a stop sign and the car in front of me doesn't stop until his rear bumper is well past the stop line, then guess what... when I stop myself, I'm stopped at the stop line in compliance with the law. I am now free to set off once the intersection clears. Can't count how many people on an intersecting stop sign will see me setting off "early" and race through their own stop sign without slowing to "preserve" the "order". Like they think "If we had both stopped then I woudl be in front of you, so if you run the stop sign then I will run the stop sign too so that I stay in front of you". Well guess what, bub... *I* dind't run the stop sign, the guy in front of me did (and so did you). If you got issues with stop sign violations then go road rage the schmuck in front of me who viloated the stop sign. Don't sit there and expect me to stop twice (once for me and once for the guy in front of me).

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I remember when I was in college in Toledo traveling E/B Airport Highway and passing a W/B stopped schoolbus on a 5 lane portion of road. As the kids (early elementary school kids) were boarding the bus, the adult crossing guard yelled "HEY YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT! YOU HAVE TO STOP FOR A STOPPED FUCKING BUS!" The kids didn't need to go to school that day, they got their vocabulary lesson at the bus stop at 7:30 AM.

I'd have got out and educated them. Not road ragey style, just talked with them. A person in that position needs to know the law. If they won't accept it, then have the school principal explain it to them.

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I need to print up a sheet with all the most misunderstood traffic laws. Spout ORC at people. Print up some postcards with ORC numbers and the law (highlight so idiots can understadnd) and hand them to people when they do stupid stuff. Stopped for an oncoming school bus on a 4-lone road? I'll circle "School bus on a 4-lane road" and hand you the card.

Then punch you.

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My pet preeve is people don't know what yield means anymore more especially on ramps. I also hate people merging on the solid line.

I don't understand why people speed past me at 75 mph or so on the interstate and see a cop with a customer on the other and then cut in front of me and slow to 55.

I swear people are stupid!

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My pet preeve is people don't know what yield means anymore more especially on ramps. I also hate people merging on the solid line.

I don't understand why people speed past me at 75 mph or so on the interstate and see a cop with a customer on the other and then cut in front of me and slow to 55.

I swear people are stupid!

agreed, people think yield means stop and those people get a show of my horn and middle finger in there rearview mirror

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Or they think the ramp has the right of way and cut a big truck off doing 45 when the big truck is doing 65. When merging you are not supposed to disturb the flow of traffic meaning I should not have to swerve, change lanes, speed up, slow down, or lock my brakes up to avoid you!

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Or they think the ramp has the right of way and cut a big truck off doing 45 when the big truck is doing 65. When merging you are not supposed to disturb the flow of traffic meaning I should not have to swerve, change lanes, speed up, slow down, or lock my brakes up to avoid you!

although if there is nothing in the next lane the truck should move over and let the people in, i cant stand when there is a completely empty lane and people can see cars about to merge onto the highway but they stay in the right lane and make the on coming cars either floor it or hit the brakes to get onto the highway

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although if there is nothing in the next lane the truck should move over and let the people in

Not necessarily should the truck move trucks get into a lot of lane change accidents which is part of the reason we tend to not move. It's too easy for cars to come around us as we are changing lanes. Cars should be able to merge around us as they are smaller. Too many cars will not let us back over if let them and that puts us in a bad spot if we need to get off plus we have huge blindspots on the passenger side.

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Something I noticed about the "local" ettiquite when I first moved down to Central Ohio was that people pull over

to let a funeral procession go by even on the opposite side of the road. In all my years of driving around NE Ohio

I never saw that until moving down here. The first time it happened I about got into an accident because of it.

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