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OR club house / Zombie safe zone


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You don't get rich by spending money. :cool:

I would never be rich then, because you definitely can't take it with you. Might as well have some fun while you can. :D

Although, i do agree with your statement. However, being rich...if it comes down to it. 30$ is nothing obviously. I wonder, if Bill Gates...or some other rich mofo had to spend 500$ a day how fast they would blow through their bank account.

Edited by NightRider
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I would never be rich then, because you definitely can't take it with you. Might as well have some fun while you can. :D

Although, i do agree with your statement. However, being rich...if it comes down to it. 30$ is nothing obviously. I wonder, if Bill Gates...or some other rich mofo had to spend 500$ a day how fast they would blow through their bank account.

That would only be $9,125,000 after 50 years not including leap years. That really is not a lot of money for the wealthy people of today.

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LOVE this idea. Its not all that far from me either :D


edit: boooo apparently someone owns it and maintains it now

It's actually back on the market, for only $1.3M. That's about a third what I was listed at in 2005.


I'd throw $100k at it. 12 others want to throw in $100k? Hell, I bet we could get it for $800-900k.

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Oh, and the silo home... Being an ex-missile silo, I'll bet its GPS co-ordinates are still programmed into a Russian nuke somwhere. When the Sh*t hits the fan you'll be the first to have an ICBM crammed up your nethers.

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I would never be rich then, because you definitely can't take it with you. Might as well have some fun while you can. :D

Although, i do agree with your statement. However, being rich...if it comes down to it. 30$ is nothing obviously. I wonder, if Bill Gates...or some other rich mofo had to spend 500$ a day how fast they would blow through their bank account.

My teacher used the analogy that for every 45 cent stamp the average middle class worker can afford, bill gates could purchase a lamborghini....another way to look at it, a lambo costs 300k...bill gates could buy 186,000 lambos brand new off the lot with the money that he is worth....thats $84,000 worth of postal stamps ...pretty nuts to think about it...cant even imagine having that kind of money

so i doubt 500 a day would affect him too much lol...i bet he could spend 50k a day and not be hurting all that much

hes worth 56B...so at 500 a day assuming he stopped earning interest on all his money and quit earning, it would take him 306,849 years to go broke....im sure he makes millions per day in just interest

it would literally be impossible for him to spend all the money he has unless he was to pay off government debt or something radical

Edited by Steve Butters
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