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Its kinda a common courtesy thing to not be a flaming tool. Even the most socially ignorant people understand that unspoken concept.

The only notable exception to this is posting a picture of you holding a ignited wrench covered in lighter fluid.


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Look, all bullshit aside, I have one serious question. What happened to your husky Sky, and if you decided to keep her, what have you done for her well-being?

he's not going to answer, because im sure he didnt do shit.

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harmless... understatement of the year its amusing how much drama can be caused by stupid threads. But i have no threats anymore really there isnt any point, if i get really offended ill do something but that will be quite difficult and there is no real point, the site will come back up. People who crash sites have nothing better to do , plus i wouldnt be able to do it myself id have to ask friends from the past which is no fun. Im only a web designer dont know how to demolish them.

As to sky, thanks for asking i guess even though your just trying to flame.

hmmm last few months, first thing i had to do was try and nip her food aggression and aggresiveness towards other dogs she was around in the butt so i did that, fixed. She now plays off leash at parks 2 or 3 times a week with no problems.

Taught her how to sit,stay,lay down, high five, beg, back up, jump, play dead, workin on roll over for some reason she doesnt like it.

She started off as being a crate trained dog, now she roams the house free all day, and i had to put a 100 foot rope in my front yard because i had a underground fence installed but she would dig wherever she got shocked from, until she got to wire and chewed it up. I finally now have found a knot that she can not chew through, which gives her free roam of the whole front yard.

What else is there? Hmmmm had a few people call and offer 400 bucks for her but now she truly is a part of the family and enjoy every second of free time i get with her, still doesnt like the cat but oh well they are started to not mind each other.

As far as off the leash she will go from the rope out front to the front door and sit and wait for me to catch up to her, but idk how much that will work with a squirell so it gets farther and farther each time.

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