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Tell me something BAD about Ron Paul


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I've been drinking the Ron Paul kool aid lately, and really liking what i'm hearing. Before I jump the gun and start "supporting" Ron Paul for the 2012 Presidential nomination, I want to hear from his detractors.

What are the (perceived) faults and flaws?

So far I've only come up with:

- dude's pretty old. Like 74, I think. But in good health, and mentally sharp as a tack.

- I have heard he's got some wacky religious views, but I haven't seen that for myself. I question how much it would affect his politics anyway.

I'm probably on the wrong site to find a lot of liberal POV, but if you're out there, please educate me.

I DON'T WANT THIS TO TURN INTO A DEBATE - I'M LOOKING FOR CRITICISM OF RON PAUL. Once those are compiled and exposed, THEN this can descend into a debate; but the liberals can have the first word.

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the only bad thing i can think of is that he wasnt elected in '08.
No chit, I will second that

I'll third that.

He's by far the best candidate this round in my opinion, especially for the state our economy is in and how atrocious are debt has become.

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but will he get the Republican nomination?

I kind of doubt it.

Frankly, I think he might have more traction as a third-party candidate, but that's probably wishful thinking... Too many old white males will blindly vote "republican" even if the nominate some hapless boob. I couldn't bring myself to vote for McCain in 2008.

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but will he get the Republican nomination?

I kind of doubt it.

Frankly, I think he might have more traction as a third-party candidate, but that's probably wishful thinking... Too many old white males will blindly vote "republican" even if the nominate some hapless boob. I couldn't bring myself to vote for McCain in 2008.

I don't think so. I think this country wants and needs someone outside of the established parties that have thus far all but drowned the country.

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Can someone give me some information about him that actually comes from him about the military? I don't mean how he feels about the actions that have taken place I mean what does he think the military’s role is and how would he intend to use it.

I'll find exact quotes later, but he's a huge advocate of bringing the troops home and putting them to use protecting US soil (what they were supposed to be for anyways).

But the military loves him: http://content.usatoday.com/communities/onpolitics/post/2011/07/ron-paul-military-campaign-donations-/1

GOP presidential hopeful Ron Paul consistently has said that the United States should get out of Afghanistan and Iraq and that American military bases around the world should be closed.In this campaign, Paul is getting more donations from people who work for the military than either President Obama or any of the other Republican presidential candidates. That analysis comes from Paul's campaign and was confirmed recently by Politifact, the fact-checking project of the St. Petersburg Times.
"Our fighting men and women take an oath to protect America, defend our Constitution and defend our borders," Paul campaign chairman Jesse Benton said. "They look at Ron Paul and see a leader who takes their oath seriously and who will fight to ensure that we don't misrepresent that oath by sending them off to police the world, instead of defending our country."
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That's all I need to know. Thanks.

He is a dumb ass who has no idea about how the military is to be used or how it was used by our founding fathers. If he wants to change its role he will never get my support even if I agree with him on every other issue.

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...endorses revising the military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy to concern mainly disruptive sexual behavior
Paul's stand on foreign policy issues has drawn support across the political spectrum. His views are generally attributed to those of non-interventionism, which is the belief that the United States should avoid entangling alliances with other nations, but still retain diplomacy, and avoid all wars not related to direct territorial self-defense. Paul is quoted as stating "America [should] not interfere militarily, financially, or covertly in the internal affairs of other nations", while advocating "open trade, travel, communication, and diplomacy with other nations."
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That's all I need to know. Thanks.

He is a dumb ass who has no idea about how the military is to be used or how it was used by our founding fathers. If he wants to change its role he will never get my support even if I agree with him on every other issue.

Uhm... you realize until WWI we were a non-interventionist country, right? George Washington and Thomas Jefferson specifically spoke of never getting involved in foreign wars unless absolutely necessary to do so to protect the United States.

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Paul's stand on foreign policy issues has drawn support across the political spectrum. His views are generally attributed to those of non-interventionism, which is the belief that the United States should avoid entangling alliances with other nations, but still retain diplomacy, and avoid all wars not related to direct territorial self-defense. Paul is quoted as stating "America [should] not interfere militarily, financially, or covertly in the internal affairs of other nations", while advocating "open trade, travel, communication, and diplomacy with other nations."

Hell yeah.

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Let's see something bad about Ron Paul...

His name sounds like a porn actor

His name sounds like a fake Jamaican R&B artist

He died 3 times already

He never feels it when he poops his pants

He has an upcoming role in season 2 of the walking dead

He passes out butterscotch at halloween

If elected his presidential address' will take place at 4pm so he can still be in bed by 8

He has no idea what the internet is for

He is prone to sitting on his balls

He will give huge tax breaks to osteobiflex and metamusel manufacturers

I can do this all day...

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That's all I need to know. Thanks.

He is a dumb ass who has no idea about how the military is to be used or how it was used by our founding fathers. If he wants to change its role he will never get my support even if I agree with him on every other issue.

enlighten us, if you please.

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