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need advice from people who fly a lot.


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So I'm going to be in the academy the whole month of Sept. in artesia NM. I was planning on getting out of class on Sept. 9 and flying home for my wedding on Sept. 10. Then flying back to New Mexico on the 1130 so I could report to class on the 12th. The problem is I get outta class at 5pm the last flight I can find within 100 miles leaves at 4:45pm. The other option I have is leave the morning of the wedding at 6:45am and arrive in Columbus at 1:58pm then rush an hour north to get married at 3:30pm. (if we go this route we will push the wedding back to 4:30pm.

Moving the wedding date or location aren't options we want to do. Can anyone think of any other logical options? I don't think I'll be able to afford it but does anyone know what a non commercial flight from new Mexico to Ohio would cost? Would a small plane be able to do it? Could the times be made?

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No a small plane wont do it and be cost effective. Plan on delays.. If you get get a Southwest flight, they are probably going to be cheapest and best for being on time. You are pushing some really tight time tables to have flights involved. Have you checked on flights at other airports in the area? Say you drive 2hrs to a different airport and you may have better flight selections.

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Have a little fun with the TSA and make sure to take a Viagra before your groping/ body scan.

Don't need the viagra. They hate it when you kinda squat down as they are patting your inner thigh. Lol.

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Explore all airports within any realistic driving distance to check flight times. Small plane=fail, I would rather you be late then end up on the news. Charters are big bucks so unless Jimmy Tressel still has some pull at OSU screw that.

Good luck is about all I got.

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Small plane=fail, I would rather you be late then end up on the news. .

Sorry, I can't stand when people bash general aviation - overall similar accident/fatality rates to riding, including stupid pilot tricks and high risk operations. Just like on the bike, if you're proficient, well prepared , look ahead and use good decision making, you mitigate away the majority of the risk (primary difference being that there are far fewer idiots trying to center-punch you with an Escalade at any moment - ie the loose nut behind the yoke/stick is the best indicator of safety or lack thereof).

Flounder has it right, though. Much as I despise the entire Soviet-wannabe premise of the TSA, for that kind of distance you're better off letting Southwest do the flying, more for operational reasons than safety. I've done OH-AZ, and it makes for a long, boring day at 170-200mph. To get a charter for a 1200mi leg, you'd be looking at some serious $$$.

Those are some really tight time constraints to work with, though - any chance to work with the academy to get some more time ie leave at noon, come back at noon Monday? A bit of weather or some other goofiness could cause you life-long pain and suffering :D.

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Well what I ended up doing is pushing the time back to 5:30 for the wedding. I'll leave the academy after we are released. Then I'm going to head to the airport and get a hotel room. Wake up super early and catch a plane that leaves at 5:45am and is scheduled to land in Columbus at 1:58pm. Then I'll have a ride waiting with my tux and such then do what I need to do. Sunday the plan is to wake up and go to breakfast with family and friends and catch a flight back.

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I would get a rental car and drive to DFW after class so you can catch the earliest flight to columbus the next day. This skips the connecting flight from whereever you are, and assures theres other options to CMH since DFW is a massive hub.

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I would get a rental car and drive to DFW after class so you can catch the earliest flight to columbus the next day. This skips the connecting flight from whereever you are, and assures theres other options to CMH since DFW is a massive hub.

That's a good thought but its an 8.5hr drive which I've done several times. But I don't want to bust my ass with PT all week then class and jump into a car for 8hrs get virtually no sleep catch a plane get married and pass out only to turn around and do it again in reverse.

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Sorry, I can't stand when people bash general aviation - overall similar accident/fatality rates to riding, including stupid pilot tricks and high risk operations. Just like on the bike, if you're proficient, well prepared , look ahead and use good decision making, you mitigate away the majority of the risk (primary difference being that there are far fewer idiots trying to center-punch you with an Escalade at any moment - ie the loose nut behind the yoke/stick is the best indicator of safety or lack thereof).

Flounder has it right, though. Much as I despise the entire Soviet-wannabe premise of the TSA, for that kind of distance you're better off letting Southwest do the flying, more for operational reasons than safety. I've done OH-AZ, and it makes for a long, boring day at 170-200mph. To get a charter for a 1200mi leg, you'd be looking at some serious $$$.

Those are some really tight time constraints to work with, though - any chance to work with the academy to get some more time ie leave at noon, come back at noon Monday? A bit of weather or some other goofiness could cause you life-long pain and suffering :D.

I wasn't bashing, one of my main goals in life is to get my pilots license. My best friend just got done at OSU with his, and is currently getting his teaching licenses so hopefully I will begin in a year or two.

I meant like he would have to stop for fuel in most small 1 engine planes, set up landings to get fuel, set up a pilot, etc. My dads best friend however was killed in a small single engine due to someone like you speak of. Ran his engines too lean and ended up killing the pilot, dads friend(he introduced my mom and dad, hence me), and his wife.

But promise I wasn't bashing bro.

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If you are on a tight schedule expect to not make it. I just left montego bay Jamaica and with the delays of the crew being late and air traffic keeping us from getting up we missed our connecting flight in Philadelphia. So I'm stuck in this shit hole for the night cuz the next flight isn't til 1125 tomorrow.

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Continental has red eye flights leaving at about 11:30 at night from Las Vegas to Cleveland. Have someone pick you up and try to get some sleep on the flight.

If you can, catch a small commuter flight on Mesa out of Roswell to Vegas. You will have to check on that schedule, but it beats the 3 hour drive to ABQ.

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My plan is to leave class Friday drive to Hobbs NM stay in a hotel get up super early catch a flight out to Houston at 645am. Then layover in Houston for an hour and fly out to columbus at 930. Then land in Columbus at 2pm. My dads going to meet me at the airport with my tux and then go to the wedding hopefully before 530pm. Then I'm going to fly back Sunday.

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I used to traval out West a lot for work. Maybe I was just unlucky, but I ALWAYS got delayed at DFW. I would recommend either Phoenix or Vegas - both have direct flights, both have Southwest. I always landed on time or early with Southwest, especially flying east. Hope this helps!

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  • 2 months later...

I'm in need of some advice on traveling...

Specifically, I've got a bunch of custom wires I've made, diagnostic boxes, a multimeter, and a laptop.

Is the TSA going to hassle me having all this cabling/wiring + electrical test equipment + a laptop with me on a carry-on? Or am I better off just checking the stuff?

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I'm in need of some advice on traveling...

Specifically, I've got a bunch of custom wires I've made, diagnostic boxes, a multimeter, and a laptop.

Is the TSA going to hassle me having all this cabling/wiring + electrical test equipment + a laptop with me on a carry-on? Or am I better off just checking the stuff?

As long as you carry it in your underwear, you should be fine.

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I'm in need of some advice on traveling...

Specifically, I've got a bunch of custom wires I've made, diagnostic boxes, a multimeter, and a laptop.

Is the TSA going to hassle me having all this cabling/wiring + electrical test equipment + a laptop with me on a carry-on? Or am I better off just checking the stuff?

They probably wont bother you. When I fly, I usually have 3 laptops, boatloads of wires, and all sorts of other little gadgets for doing security testing. And I fly ALLOT!!

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The OP should consider the amount of mental fatigue that this complex schedule is going to bring. Do you really want to have this much on your plate hours before you get married? You won't get to the wedding on time. You will be pissed. Your bride will be pissed. You will have to get a divorce before you even raise your first glass.

The wedding is already over.... Sept9-10 timeframe.

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