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Rider down


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Yesterday a very good friend crashed on my motorcycle,Rich Mohler was riding north 79 out of newark when he failed to judge a S-turn and laid it down, He was life flighted to OSU hospital with a compound fracture to his right leg, a brake under his knee cap on the other leg, very bad road rash, He had to have his spleen removed and will go thru many surgeries. On the up side hie vitals are all good and he has feeling inboth feet and is very alert. Please keep him and his family in your prayers.

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Prayers Sent, hope all goes well

now for my rant

Has anyone noticed a trend on OR? Dont let others ride your bike! This is the 3 time this summer ive heard of another person fucking up someone elses ride. I get offers all the time to ride other stuff, i always say no, i dont know how they handle or how they are maintained. Dont know why this bothers me but i look at a bike like a pair of underwear, i dont wear yours and you dont wear mine..rant over

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Prayers Sent, hope all goes well

now for my rant

Has anyone noticed a trend on OR? Dont let others ride your bike! This is the 3 time this summer ive heard of another person fucking up someone elses ride. I get offers all the time to ride other stuff, i always say no, i dont know how they handle or how they are maintained. Dont know why this bothers me but i look at a bike like a pair of underwear, i dont wear yours and you dont wear mine..rant over

+1 to this!!!

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Well todays update .Rich had his surgery this morning 5 hours later they repaired both legs. The open wound on the right leg still had debris so they cleaned it out was not able to do a graft as of yet for fear of infection. He will have surgery again Fri...day to debris the wound again and to see if they can graft then if not he will go back into surgery again on monday .At the same time on Friday they will be debring his head wound they will be trying to do a graft on his head also.it will all be a just wait and see what things look like. He did get off the ventalator today after surgery.and he was sitting up. He did spike a fever so they are watching him for infection. He is still not out of the woods so keep the prayers going. We really do thank everyone for this.

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Well todays update .Rich had his surgery this morning 5 hours later they repaired both legs. The open wound on the right leg still had debris so they cleaned it out was not able to do a graft as of yet for fear of infection. He will have surgery again Fri...day to debris the wound again and to see if they can graft then if not he will go back into surgery again on monday .At the same time on Friday they will be debring his head wound they will be trying to do a graft on his head also.it will all be a just wait and see what things look like. He did get off the ventalator today after surgery.and he was sitting up. He did spike a fever so they are watching him for infection. He is still not out of the woods so keep the prayers going. We really do thank everyone for this.

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he wasnt a new rider but he has been riding a 750 V-star so I guess coming from that to a 1000cc sport bike was the problem and he had glasses on and he just misjudge the S-turn at lickingvalley rd and hit the rear break im thinking ,as for my bike it was only cosmetic and a bent frame slider (which took 85% of the slide) and it was just the left side. No major stuff still runs good no bent forks just a radiator hose leak.

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