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Rant about Property Lines (REEEALLY!)


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So, my mom is getting a new neighbor in upper arlington. raise your pinky for this one please (stuck up arington dumb asses). Anyway, the new lady next door has a two kids and daddy is buying the house for her. Mom now has to move the play set which is in are yard that is fenced in because it is on her property. Explain this one to me please?... The father wants us to move it 18 inches away from the fence, obviously in our yard (away from our fence!!!! 18 inches) so that they do not get sued by us if my neices or nephews are playing and get hurt. My mom bought the house in 1991, Because the fence has been there for so long we don't have to move it LMAO (well the yardh has been there for longer dammit). So i then asked my mom if they are going to come into are yard and mow that 18 inch section of grass every three to four days...Hell now she ain't gonna do that. I wish i could tell the city to GET BENT or Shove It sometimes! Some people :nono:

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i don't think that's stuck up, i think that's just protecting their worth.

they don't know your mom, and they very well could think it's just bait for a lawsuit waiting to happen on them - it's an unfortunate circumstance of today's world.

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True but, common sense would tell you, thats your yard and this is mine. What happens in your yard stays your yard and visa versa. I completely understand what you are saying and they have every right. But I just think it's ridiculous. Not to mention we are the most laid back understanding families ever. We work for what we have and are out to screw anyone over. But you are right dammit; they don't know that! Thanks for the reality check. Much appreciated. 18 inches is the funny part thought!

Edited by GESEXER
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I would personally move it as they requested. It doesn't matter who's right or wrong.

These people are going to be your/her neighbors. Chances are that they are going to be there for years. Its best to do what you can to keep the relationship positive and respectful.

Nothing worse then living next to someone you hate and hates you

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If you dont have to move the fence due to the time it has been there, then maybe you have precedence for having the property lines re-done. Realize that this could go good or bad for you.

Good would be that the fence or just the other side of the fence becomes the new property line and you dont have to move anything or worry about it.

Bad = they tell you that you have to move the fence.

Take your chances.

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If you dont have to move the fence due to the time it has been there, then maybe you have precedence for having the property lines re-done. Realize that this could go good or bad for you.

Good would be that the fence or just the other side of the fence becomes the new property line and you dont have to move anything or worry about it.

Bad = they tell you that you have to move the fence.

Take your chances.

Property takeover usually means you had to be using it at a disadvantage to the rightful owner for 25-50 years.

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Used to install fences. They can and probably will have you move the fence also. You are on their property, I would have you move it.

I would have a survey done. neighbor could be reading plot map wrong. Or measuring from the wrong pin. I've seen property disputes get ugly. They also work out pretty funny either way at times. Either way it works out be gracious.

And by be gracious I mean put the pretty side of the fence toward your property cause you wouldn't want anyone working in neighbors yard.

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Just a question, but why would you have built a fence on their property anyways? When I lived in Gahanna it was often a big deal when someone put up a fence. I can't believe a fence company would put one in without knowing they were well within the bounderies of the property line for the customer.

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What you don't realize is in 1984, I already had an invisible fence for my puppy on your mom's property. Therefore, your house has really been mine all these years, and I've been letting you live there for paying the property taxes and the mortgage.

And since I'm a laid back and understanding guy like you, I'm sure you'll be cool with it when I exercise my legal right to get what's mine and not complain about it on the interwebz. :cheers:

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Check the boundaries. maek sure you're on agreement where the property line it. If your fence is on their property then they are within their rights to demand it be moved. Or just give them the fence and let it become their problem to maintain.

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I would personally move it as they requested. It doesn't matter who's right or wrong.

These people are going to be your/her neighbors. Chances are that they are going to be there for years. Its best to do what you can to keep the relationship positive and respectful.

Nothing worse then living next to someone you hate and hates you

You're right, to a point. If they are indeed wrong, then the onus is on you to explain their fault in a respectful and non-dickish (example: telling them to pound sand is the opposite of non-dickish) way. For instance, when I first bought my house my neighbor was cutting swaths of my lawn by not picking up the damn mower when he turns to do another pass, and instead walking over my lawn. This wouldn't have been a problem if he actually finished the strip (it was just a little 4x4ft box in front of the sidewalk) but instead he left semicircles in my yard. Politely explained where the property lines were, and we don't have a problem anymore. Conversely, if the OP is wrong, then they need to take reasonable steps to correct this. Up and moving the fence on a moment's notice is pretty unreasonable, but moving the playset can be done with minimal effort.

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That's just inconsiderate. I have no tolerance for that shit.

I would have strongly considered mowing a middle finger in his lawn.

All kidding aside I dispise my next door neighbors on one side but I do everything in my power to be extra nice to them. I don't want any troubles when I'm at home, its my sanctuary away from the world.

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