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Man Sentenced For Stomping Ex-Girlfriend's Puppy To Death


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CHILLICOTHE, Ohio — A man who stomped his ex-girlfriend's puppy to death in a fit of rage was sentenced Monday to six months in jail and five years of community control.

Six months? Waaay too short for the crime. I suspect the judge was limited by sentencing ranges.

If I was in charge, I'd have a Monthy Python Foot installed in his cell.

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I think 6 months is reasonable for the crime. It's a dog. Not a child.

outraged as I am about cruelty toward animals, I tend to agree.

6 months doesn't sound like much to most of us, but think about where you were 6 months ago, and then pretend you were locked up since then. Seems longer now, doesn't it?

That said, he'll be out in 60 days with good behavior. :nono:

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depends on the puppy.

we recently had a foster dog who was a freakin terrorist. little bastard bit me hard enough to draw blood and bruise my hand for days; and was just a general nightmare. I would have cringed if I'd actually hurt him, but there were definitely multiple occasions that I wanted to.

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Depends on the area he is sent?

Would be serving if it was a federal pound me in the ass prison, then 6 months should be ok. If it was just your standard county jail, then a little more jail time would be appropiate me thinks.

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I think if he ACTUALLY served 6, then it would be reasonable. Since he wont serve the full term, it is too little. If he gets out early, then he should have to take some sort of anger management classes and I would call it even. The death of the puppy isn't what bothers me, its that the guy thought it was an appropriate outlet for his anger to brutally and physically kill a living thing. That is a strong sociopathic tendency if you ask me

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It's not the fact the the puppy died that make me mad - it's the manner in which the animal died, the suffering inficted and the mindset that would make him think that's ok. It's evidence of a pattern of thinking that is incompatible with civilized society.

I do like the idea of sentencing him to community service at a dog shelter. Maybe that would change his mindset and make him less likely to do something like this in the future.

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It's not the fact the the puppy died that make me mad - it's the manner in which the animal died, the suffering inficted and the mindset that would make him think that's ok. It's evidence of a pattern of thinking that is incompatible with civilized society.

I do like the idea of sentencing him to community service at a dog shelter. Maybe that would change his mindset and make him less likely to do something like this in the future.

I agree with community service at a shelter, but after atleat a year or 2 in jail. As a animal lover 6 months is upsetting, esp since odds of him serving a full term are slim.

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According to this article the whole thing could have been avoided if she had simply brought him a beer when he asked her.........

According to an incident report, Ford is accused of attacking his girlfriend after she refused to get him more beer and, while angry, stomped a puppy's head with his foot, killing the animal.


I know it was bad....... I couldnt resist though....

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I cant even hardly stomach this... A cat is one thing a puppy is totally different

only to you. and some people see dogs the same as they see cats, good or bad.

i dont really care for either of them to be honest....ide be just as upset about a cat being killed as a dog, which equates to not very upset honestly....

dogs are less annoying than cats - but theyre still just animals/pets.....in some countries theyre just food....if i had to get stuck with a cat or a dog, it would be a hard choice....cats fucking suck but theyre less maintenance....dogs are annoying 75% of the time and are more work, but theyre more fun to be around than cats, because cats fucking suck

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Yeah, you're confused into thinking that evidence exists that casey anthoney is a murderer. If you have such evidence then why didnt you share it with the prosecutor?? I mean that guy brought nothing.

Maybe you meant; "Mainstream media has presented me with just enough over-dramatized 'information' for me to believe that she murderd her daughter". If only they prosecuted her as expertly in court as they did in the media...

Edited by Scruit
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