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Gotta love CL scammers


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Since I decided to put the RC up on CL, I set my timer for how long it was gonna take for the first scamer to fire something off to me. Lord knows the scammer cesspool that CL is. Anyway, it was my first contact from anyone. Sweet! So that was entertaining. From those who have sold things on CL, what was your ratio of scammers to legit interested parties? Also, if you (and guessing most folks would) post it in different areas/forums, was the CL as worth your time? Just kinda curious. Spanks gaiz!

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I have not had the scammers as much but had about 30 friggen calls on my dirt bike with people asking if i would trade for an X Box. Like yea i would love to give you my $2,000 bike for your $300 dollar game system! :nono:

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I only got one scammer when I sold my bike. He sent me a "interested in your bike" email with "But I want to make sure that this is the correct bike..." followed by a link to "nyc.craigslists.com" that I assumed was phishing. I just ignored it.

Here's the discussion about that. http://ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=78298&highlight=craigslist

Edited by Scruit
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I haven't sold a bike but have had one of my cars on CL for some time, and it's just scammers. When I listed my girlfriend's beater Lumina a few years ago, it was only legitimate parties. It seems that the nicer the item is for sale, the number of scammers increases.

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my issue with Craigslist isn't trying to sell something it's buying.

if your going to sell something then at least respond to a flipping email. Delete your add when it sells. & no I don't need to text you.

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Probably 10-20% of replies to me are scammers. I will add that I used to get emails that would be laid out like this:

Subject: Re: <insert your exact CL title here>

I am interested in your post on Craigslist:

<insert your CL post URL here>

I used to think these were scam/spam until I downloaded the CL app on my phone. If you reply to a posting using the program's reply function, it will draft an message in your email like that.

I also only post in the Columbus section. I don't feel like dealing with people any further away and usually have no problems selling in the Columbus section alone.

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