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My South Africa Trip - Pics


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So I think I mentioned that I would be headed to South Africa for work but just didnt say when. Well, I just got back yesterday from being there for 18 days.

I dont have a ton of time now but I will get a bunch more pics up later.

I managed to squeeze in a 3 day hunt while I was there and was lucky enough to get a nice big impala and a really big Kudu. Both were shot using a guide rifle which was a .270 Mauser. Imapla was taken at 110 yards across a field and the Kudu was taken at 65 in thick brush. Both shots were taken from standing position using shooting sticks as support. I wasnt happy with the shot on the impala since it wasnt a heart shot but the shot broke both shoulders and dropped it on the spot. The Kudu shot was perfect heart shot and it made it about 25 yards before piling up. The Kudu maxed out the winch on the Bakkie (Jeep). This was about 10km from Botswana.



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You cant export the meat unfortunately. I am having the hides tanned and sent back as well as the skulls/horns dipped/shipped. My colleague in our Johannesburg office is taking the meat since he is a hunter as well. I did manage to eat impala, kudu, springbok, wildebeest, ostrich and a few others while I was down there. Outstanding flavor.

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