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Labor Day weekend on the horizon...


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What's everyone got planned?

I've finally got a weekend off work and my old lady is heading to her folks place with the kids so, I am going on an all out motorcycling tour of the lovely state of Ohio as long as the weather is somewhat cooperative.

I've only been riding on my way to and from work so I have been itching to get out and explore.

It's getting a little chilly in the mornings and evenings up here and I've had to break out my leather jacket more than once. I've found most of my gear to be somewhat lacking in the warmth department but, I guess that's to be expected coming from the Keys... For the most part though, it's been pretty awesome riding in all my gear and not sweating like a hooker in church. Riding with a little chill in the air can really get you going in the morning!

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eh my weekend looks to be filled with working on my trailer, getting ready for deals gap trip next week, preparing for tailgating a few hours after I return from said trip for the Browns game and more than likely lots of adult beverage consumption

should be rather lame

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We did our riding back in June on our 4800 mile ride west and back. Guess this time maybe we'll just ride over to Wheeling and cruise back west on the 'National Road'

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