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So I can check that off my bucket list.


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So I decided to runaway this weekend. I loaded up the bike and put it on the road. the only plan was to head north until I hit some major body of water. It worked out well, I ended up in Port Clinton. I rode around the coast most the day and chilled until I got a room for the night. The next day I jumped on a boat headed out to Put In Bay. That is where it happened. On the booklet with the map, there was an ad for "see the islands in an open air cockpit bi plane". So I walked all the way out to the airport (it looked closer on the map, next time I will get a golf cart) and handed over the money and jumped in the seat. It was awesome. I felt way more free then I ever have in any other small plane. I can't wait to do it again.





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I have done that before it was a blast! I wish I would have known you were up here I have been on the island since Friday we could have grabbed a beer.

well damn, I wish I would have known, I so would have meet up for a drink. This was so spur of the moment, so I had no plan what so ever.

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Went to PIB in mid August with the girlfriend and it was amazing we rented a golf cart and just rode around the island at least 5 times lol we saw the plane and helicopter rides but she said they were too expensive :p maybe next time :D

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