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perfect beginner/commuter bike for sale

Gixxus Christ!

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Bike is still available if anyone actually wants to take a look at my beat to shit bike.

You know how when someone yells O H someone always answers I O?

That's how for sale threads go around here; post up something, someone's gonna put the LBTS GLWS reply up.

Look in the Ranting and Raving section for "LBTS ftmfw" to see the genesis of the phrase.

Free bump for a Massillon Tiger..;)

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Ok, so what exactly is the point of bumping up your posts? Unless it gets you paid or laid I don't see the point. Busa, I get you now, you're a prick bastard and everyone thinks you're funny...kinda a one-trick pony if you ask me, but whatever keeps the mouth-breathers giggling. No hard feelings, I get what you were originaly trying to tell me...might want to work on your communication skills...trade in that old worn-out "fucktard" for some adjectives.... As far as whatever the rest of ya'll think of me, I'll be sure to post a thread about it if I ever give a fuck. Don't go mistaking this for "roid rage" or whatever, this is me being cool and playing along.....my bad, up until recently I was used to forums being heavily moderated and all that. So anyway, shut your Cock-suckers, haul out that coffee can full of nickels, spend it all on scratch-offs, hit for $1500 and come get this bike out of my garage so I can buy a car and have room to park it at the same time. Pony up bitches.

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Your desperate plea for someone to buy it less than 22 hours after initial post was called a "bump". Bumping your own post can be annoying to others, so another member may bump it for you. Again, lighten up. Sam has contributed for several years and has actually shown up for rides and funerals. All we know about you is that you're super-tuff and are selling a decent bike. Settle down young nut-swinger!

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...I'll vouch for the seca.... it was my first bike and I wish I still had it....

my brother's first bike was a seca, and I agree that they make excellent first bikes, but I don't know that I'd go so far as to say, "I wish I still had it." :D

The Seca II feels like it has a longer wheel-base than other starter bikes. That makes it very stable feeling and planted on the highway. It doesn't handle like a modern sportbike, but it's hardly a pig either.

The I-4 is a lot smoother than a thumper or the parallel twin I learned on. That makes it nice for highway rides. My brother had luggage for his and rode it 90 miles a day commuting to work all summer, and back and forth between Cleveland and Columbus multiple times when OSU was on break.

My only real criticism of the bike is that it was a tad heavy (I said "planted" earlier :)), and the air-cooled I-4 means that it has a relatively low redline, to keep the interior cylinders from melting. No big deal. Better torque than you'd expect from an I-4 600. My brother's bike badly needed a suspension rebuild, but that wasn't the bike's fault - it was just old.

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Thanks guys, good to see some positive action on this thread. It is a great bike, I used it as a commuter from late march to late July. The suspension has been completely overhauled, and you are right, the redlime is only like 9k, but the mill delivers great off-idle torque and with the exhaust and jet kit I put on, it really opens up around 6.5k. I'm only selling it because I need to make room in the garage for a car, and I need to buy that car...so this bike is the proverbial one stone for those two birds.

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My cousin wanted to ride around the neighborhood, so I let him ride it and I got on my fzr. We were almost back to my house and he blew a stop sign and hit me from behind. The seca got laid down on its right side, minor damage to fairing and exhaust, broken brake lever. My fzr went down on its left side, busted the rear fairing, the feeler on the peg and scraped up the bar end. His shoe came off.

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