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What is Russia doing?


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I would like to know the full story behind this. You know damn well if Russia is fucking with us that there has to be some sort of communication going on between our government and theirs. We are not the kind of country that lets shit like that happen without finding out why they are doing it. I would love to know what their reason is for violating Japan's and our airspace.

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This used to happen all the time during the cold war.

There is a simple reason for this..Russia is a world power once again. Their economy is strong, and they play a major role on the world stage once again. They are flexing their muscles. This was training to see how we would react. Plus, it's also a tap on the shoulder to show us that Russia is not afraid of the US military. Expect more incidents like this.

Russia is PISSED at us for our plans to deploy the missle defense shield in Europe. I can;t say that i blame them..it's almost..and I say ALMOST like the Cuban missle crisis years ago. The difference obviously is that our system is touted as purely defensive. Look at it from Russia's perspective though. ...

Exactly how hard would it be to turn these sites to an offensive capability? And they are on Russia's back door...so I can see their point.

Like I said..this won't be the last time this happens.

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