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Columbus State closed at 2p


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Anybody who has classes tonight can enjoy their evening. Campus is closing at 2p.

Due to the snow and ice, Columbus State is closing at 2:00 p.m. today. All offices will close at 2:00, and all classes scheduled for 2:00 or later are canceled. Please drive home safely.

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WTF roads are clear now.

Oh just wait young Jedi. Ice storm is going to be rocking Cbus.

The second part of the snow storm was supposed to hit this afternoon/evening. Well that's changed to ice. Southwest of here as 3" of ice already.

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This sounds exciting.

I sure can't wait. Last time we had an ice storm like this I went up to Mt Vernon with some buddies and chainsaws. We had to remove a bunch of trees from people's driveways out in the sticks. It was a blast.

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kinda funny cuz the dublin cstate was closed all day, and theyre just now closing the main campus now..

Uh, no it wasn't. At least it wasn't supposed to be.

Campus and all off-campus sites closing at 2 p.m. due to weather Feb. 12.

If you had a class there today, you might want to double check and make sure it was canceled. Maybe the instructor canceled just that one class or something. CSCC was open for business today as usual. That includes all off-campus offices. They're all closing today at 2p.

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CSCC Announcement:

Main campus will be closed today, Wednesday, February 13, 2008 due to a power outage. Off-Campus centers remain open.

Another night of not freezing my ass off going to and from class!!

Yeah.... today has been fun.... power outage.... yeah....

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