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Chinese condoms too small for South Africans: report

  • mao_condom.589a0152206.original.jpgChinese condoms too small for South Africans: report

A South African court has blocked the government from buying 11 million Chinese condoms, saying they are too small, a newspaper reported Friday.

The finance ministry had awarded a contract to a firm called Siqamba Medical, which planned to buy the Phoenurse condoms from China, the Beeld newspaper said.

A rival firm, Sekunjalo Investments Corporation, turned to the High Court in Pretoria after losing the bid, arguing that their condoms were 20 percent larger than the Chinese ones.

Judge Sulet Potterill blocked the deal with Siqamba, ruling that the condoms were too small, made from the wrong material, and were not approved by the World Health Organisation, the paper said.

South Africa has more HIV infections than any country in the world, with 5.38 million of its 50 million people carrying the virus.

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aids is not a virus. it's simply a state of the immune system. if health officials would listen to the scientists who are trying to show them why it's not, they'd find a cure a lot faster.

this is something the health industry doesn't want the public to know. it's believed the medicines that are designed to help fight aids will cause it. look up AZT. and the fact there is 0 proof HIV causes aids like the health industry says it does.

but it's even had a few documentary's made about it.

anyway, back on topic of small Chinese wankers...

Edited by serpentracer
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aids is not a virus. If health officials would listen to the scientists who are trying to show them why it's not, they'd find a cure a lot faster.

This is something the health industry doesn't want the public to know.

But it's even had a few documentary's made about it.

moar fearz

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no this is real. but the CDC won't listen to scientist. it's been proven over and over by scientist and biologist. they're even going as far as saying drug companies invented aids.

aids never existed until the 1960's or 70's.

anyway, viruses just don't appear from nowhere. but since the 70's there are all these unheard of diseases are popping up. the drugs the drug industry is using has been seemingly causing them is the general point.

aids is simply not a virus by definition of what they say aids is. it's just and only a condition of your immune system. any immune system suppressant drug can in fact give you aids as by the definition of what aids is.

basically doctors are trying to treat something that doesn't actually exist. (virus).

this is exactly why some people can carry hiv and never get full blown aids. if it was truly a virus they would always get aids.

Edited by serpentracer
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no this is real. it's been proven over and over by scientist and biologist. they're even going as far as saying drug companies invented aids.

aids never existed until the 1960's or 70's.

Sire it did. Just not in HUMANS.

anyway, viruses just don't appear from nowhere.

Are you arguing for creationism, here?

but since the 70's there are all these unheard of diseases are popping up. the drugs the drug industry is using has been seemingly causing them is the general point.

AIDS is hardly unheard of. HIV is also quite well-known. You're saying the drug industries are causing these diseases? I'd love to see some proof, conducted in a scientifically sound study, unbiased either way that supports your statement.

aids is simply not a virus by definition of what they say aids is. it's just and only a condition of your immune system. any immune system depressant drug can in fact give you aids as by the definition of what aids is.

"they" who? No one said AIDS is a virus in this thread, yet you're arguing about it.

AIDS = Aquired immune deficiency syndrome. Syndrome. Syndrome. Not virus. Want a virus? Look at HIV, instead:

Human Immunodifficiency Virus. There's your virus. A virus that causes a syndrome.

What exactly are you arguing about? that aids isn't a virus? no one here is saying it is.

By the way, The holocaust happened, man HAS landed on the moon, and the world really isn't flat.

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Sire it did. Just not in HUMANS.

Are you arguing for creationism, here?

AIDS is hardly unheard of. HIV is also quite well-known. You're saying the drug industries are causing these diseases? I'd love to see some proof, conducted in a scientifically sound study, unbiased either way that supports your statement.

"they" who? No one said AIDS is a virus in this thread, yet you're arguing about it.

AIDS = Aquired immune deficiency syndrome. Syndrome. Syndrome. Not virus. Want a virus? Look at HIV, instead:

Human Immunodifficiency Virus. There's your virus. A virus that causes a syndrome.

What exactly are you arguing about? that aids isn't a virus? no one here is saying it is.

By the way, The holocaust happened, man HAS landed on the moon, and the world really isn't flat.

are you serious?? aids has been called a virus for a long long time.

now since you just proved you have no clue go play in the sand box child.

now if you want to learn something google aids is not a virus. it will take you days to read over.

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well my point is the same even though I did use HIV and AIDS wrong. my point being aids is not spread like a epidemic. and is not spread by sex. and HIV doesn't cause aids by what we know to be facts in biology. it goes against everything we know to be fact.

the drugs like AZT supress the immune system so much you are left with the state of aids.

hiv tests are not testing for hiv, only the antibodies that has been generated to stop it. once your body produces antibodies to the HIV it's immune to the virus. there are no know diseases that ever re-emerge after the antibodies do their job.

this is why aids is believed to be fabricated. it goes against everything biology research is showing us. and HIV does not kill T cells. t cells reproduce way too fast for the hiv for it to take over your t cells. (HIV don't kill cells). but the cdc says if your t cell count is below 200 you have aids. so if hiv doesn't kill cells, how can they explain a drop in your t cells?

Edited by serpentracer
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well my point is the same even though I did use HIV and AIDS wrong. my point being aids is not spread like a epidemic. and is not spread by sex. and HIV doesn't cause aids by what we know to be facts in biology. it goes against everything we know to be fact.

the drugs like AZT supress the immune system so much you are left with the state of aids.

hiv tests are not testing for hiv, only the antibodies that has been generated to stop it. once your body produces antibodies to the HIV it's immune to the virus. there are no know diseases that ever re-emerge after the antibodies do their job.

this is why aids is believed to be fabricated. it goes against everything biology research is showing us. and HIV does not kill T cells. t cells reproduce way too fast for the hiv for it to take over your t cells. (HIV don't kill cells). but the cdc says if your t cell count is below 200 you have aids. so if hiv doesn't kill cells, how can they explain a drop in your t cells?


I did what you asked and ran a quick google search on whether or not HIV causes AIDS.

I also watched the link you posted, hoping for something scientific, or some kind of proof. Unfortunately, it didn't list any doctors by name, and the only statistics were from the CDC listing deaths per year. I will admit I watched only the embedded vid you provided, which was part one.

In return, I'd like to ask that you consider my links. The first is from NIH.gov, the national institute of health. It specifically states that HIV destroys T cells:


Next, I'd like you to spend 5 minutes, the length of the vid I watched, reading this page:


"AIDS is caused by infection with a virus called human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)."1

This is the standard explanation of what causes AIDS. But what evidence do scientists have to support the fact that HIV causes AIDS? And why do some websites say that the world has got it terribly wrong – that HIV does not cause AIDS at all?

As an independent AIDS organisation founded in 1986, AVERT has taken a keen interest in the ongoing debate about what causes AIDS. As well as investigating the consensus position, we have followed and carefully considered the arguments of the dissident minority who claim that HIV is harmless or even that it might not exist. This topic is vitally relevant to how our organisation works to prevent people developing AIDS and to help those who are suffering.

It is AVERT's considered opinion that the evidence that HIV causes AIDS is abundant and conclusive. This page outlines some of that evidence, while also mentioning how some dissidents have interpreted things differently. In particular, we'll look for proofs of the following:

AIDS is a new epidemic disease

AIDS does not occur without HIV

HIV infection is the only factor that predicts who will develop AIDS

Surveillance statistics support the HIV theory

Modern antiretroviral treatment is highly beneficial.

That page/site goes on to briefly cover some VERY important points about how a germ causes an infection, Koch's 4 postulates (Never heard of them before, but they make sense).

It also covers AZT, which you so vehemently attacked, and does so objectively.

I had no idea that there was a group of people who didn't believe HIV caused AIDS. I was told it did and I've always believed it.

So I listened to you, and learned something, because I had an open mind.

You might learn something if you click that second link and read the page.

If you don't have an open mind, however, then don't bother.

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And because you called me a child and told me to go play in the sand box (even though you used incorrect grammar to do so) I'll even quote the conclusion at the bottom of that page for you, just in case you have trouble reading that far:


There is no single scientific paper that proves HIV causes AIDS. Instead there are tens of thousands of papers containing a wide range of evidence that, taken together, make the case overwhelming.

People should be encouraged to question scientific orthodoxy. However, the views of AIDS dissidents, which have been well known for many years and thoroughly debated in scientific journals, have failed to win support. The core arguments of the Perth Group (that HIV has not been isolated according to their own particular rules) and Dr Duesberg (that no one fully understands how HIV causes AIDS) do not invalidate the wide range of evidence outlined on this page. The HIV theory is compelling because it provides a simple, unique cause that consistently accounts for all of the observed phenomena.

As an independent AIDS organisation, AVERT is primarily interested in what works. Studies have repeatedly shown that antibody testing is a highly effective way of predicting risk for AIDS; that modern antiretroviral treatment brings dramatic benefits; and that people who avoid exposure to HIV do not get AIDS. We will therefore continue wholeheartedly to recommend these things.

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...once your body produces antibodies to the HIV it's immune to the virus. there are no know diseases that ever re-emerge after the antibodies do their job...

I'm sorry if I misunderstood this, but you're saying that once you develop antibodies, you no longer have symptoms? If so, what about herpes? You acquire the virus, develop antibodies, and still have reoccurring outbreaks. Antibodies only suppress a virus, that does not mean it can not lie dormant for a time then become active again.

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