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I couldn't view the cliffs but what I gathered was that he was paralyzed and decided to commit suicide? There's no one else here who knows how much being paralyzed sucks more than me. My whole fucking life was flipped upside down and I'm still trying to get things back in some order. God knows I've had many dark thoughts of my own and I'm sure I will have many more in my lifetime...I just hope I can stick it out and continue to find things I can still enjoy. I personally don't think my life is worth ending...I just hate to hear that others like me do. I've talked to other guys in my shoes who want to commit suicide and it's tough. I can't say I blame them for how they feel but common! There are so many people worse off than me...who can't think, speak, take care of themselves, etc. Sometimes knowing it could be worse is what motivates me.

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@ Ben - did you know him personally, or only through the ADV site? Either way, sad story with an even sadder ending.

From what I skimmed through, he completed 1L (first year of law school), and was (I'm guessing) halfway though the second year when life and the reality of his paralysis evidently became too much. A couple of "life sucks, but I'm coping" posts, then he seemed to be in better spirits, then...

Here's hoping he's in a better place.

I feel better for having met him, if only via the Internet and posthumously, and will remember him always.

:sad face:

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  • 1 year later...

So that's pretty messed up. I scanned and read through some of it. A lot of dark thoughts.

Reading this and scanning the thread reminds me of bkizz, he hasn't logged in in over a year. Anyone know how he is and how his bike is working out for him? I never knew him, but enjoyed the bike build thread and random other postings of his.

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I couldn't view the cliffs but what I gathered was that he was paralyzed and decided to commit suicide? There's no one else here who knows how much being paralyzed sucks more than me. My whole fucking life was flipped upside down and I'm still trying to get things back in some order. God knows I've had many dark thoughts of my own and I'm sure I will have many more in my lifetime...I just hope I can stick it out and continue to find things I can still enjoy. I personally don't think my life is worth ending...I just hate to hear that others like me do. I've talked to other guys in my shoes who want to commit suicide and it's tough. I can't say I blame them for how they feel but common! There are so many people worse off than me...who can't think, speak, take care of themselves, etc. Sometimes knowing it could be worse is what motivates me.

Stay strong! And thanks for sharing.

RIP Clayton.

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I haven't finished it yet, but that is the story of a vibrant happy go lucky man being completely utterly and almost literally self deconstructed. It makes me angry, sad, and disgusted... but mostly, it makes me grieve. It is so visceral and just... convincing, for lack of a better word.

I will finish it, but I wish I never started.

Best wishes for his family, who I'm sure are still in ruin because of it. I know I would be.

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I read the story originally on ADV.


It takes serious balls to kill yourself, and him doing so was probably one way to take control over an otherwise uncontrollable situation.  Whatever his thought process, it is what he wanted to do, so I respect that.  We as a society try too hard to save people from themselves.

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