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TIRED of waving at other riders?


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I've officially (in my own mind) decided that I am tired of the whole waving-at-other-riders-on-the-road thing. I even penned a crappy acronym for it (Riders Against Waving). Dorky?? Absolutely.

I had to run errands on Sunday morning, and there were a TON of bikes out around here (Cin-Day corridor). I was hoping to get out and ride for a little while on Sun afternoon/ evening, but in the back of my head was something about "so many riders, and they'll all want to wave"...

So I get my chores done, and head out for a quick ride about 3:30. Still lots of bikes, but NOBODY waved except one guy on a blacked-out CBR in Miamisburg (okay, I did sorta wave at him. I admit it). The lack of waving was AWESOME. FWIW, this type of stuff is what would keep me from buying a Jeep as well (well, that, AND the whole bailout thing).

Like it said on a t-shirt which I saw the other day, "I'm not mean, I just don't like you". Gotta find me one of those.

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I've officially (in my own mind) decided that I am tired of the whole waving-at-other-riders-on-the-road thing. I even penned a crappy acronym for it (Riders Against Waving). Dorky?? Absolutely.

I had to run errands on Sunday morning, and there were a TON of bikes out around here (Cin-Day corridor). I was hoping to get out and ride for a little while on Sun afternoon/ evening, but in the back of my head was something about "so many riders, and they'll all want to wave"...

So I get my chores done, and head out for a quick ride about 3:30. Still lots of bikes, but NOBODY waved except one guy on a blacked-out CBR in Miamisburg (okay, I did sorta wave at him. I admit it). The lack of waving was AWESOME. FWIW, this type of stuff is what would keep me from buying a Jeep as well (well, that, AND the whole bailout thing).

Like it said on a t-shirt which I saw the other day, "I'm not mean, I just don't like you". Gotta find me one of those.

:bow: Hell yeah! I've hated it since I first got on the road a long time ago. Yesterday I passed near 100+ bikers since I am near the Hill Climbs riding and I got annoyed. I'm not out there to spend my day waving to people I don't know or care to know. I am riding to ride and enjoy myself. I wave sometimes but I use the head nod more than anything. I just hate that it's expected at all. I will be a member of your group "RAW". :lol:

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:bow: Hell yeah! I've hated it since I first got on the road a long time ago. Yesterday I passed near 100+ bikers since I am near the Hill Climbs riding and I got annoyed. I'm not out there to spend my day waving to people I don't know or care to know. I am riding to ride and enjoy myself. I wave sometimes but I use the head nod more than anything. I just hate that it's expected at all. I will be a member of your group "RAW". :lol:

Being in the same neck of the woods you were in yesterday i was over the whole wave thing in about 10 minutes. Also had to pick apart alot of chromed-out moving road blocks.:D

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There's this one bike that I pass at least once a week on the Cheshire Road bridge over Alum Creek. Never waves. Should've figured he's not a waver - no helmet/harley riding guy. Looks like a dentist going through a midlife crisis, opened up his checkbook and bought himself some youthfulness. There's me, commuting every day rain or shine on my japanese bike, geared up for the zombie apolcalypse in highlighter-pen dayglo green.

Anyway, I still wave at him. Every time. He never waves back. I'm sure he's a nicer guy than the tough helmetless rider persona he portrays. But I don't care what you ride - if you're on less than 4 wheel then we share a common enemy. And the enemy of my enemy is my friend, right?

So I still wave. But I wave with a little more enthusiasm each time.

At first it was the two fingers pointed down thing. "Keep the rubber on the road". Wishing him safe riding. NOTHING.

Soon after that it was the Enzyte Bob wave. Still laid back but with that little bit extra...

Over time I progressed to the Fonzie "Aaaaayyyyy!" wave (one handed of course).

Time has passed. His heart is still of stone.

So right now I'm stuck at the "Special needs kid just saw his parents in the audience at the school play" wave. Where to go from here?

Maybe I could use the Naval Semaphore flags wave?

I keep thinking that one of these days he's going to crack and wave back at me, after all these months.

And when he does, I'm gonna flip the b@st@rd off.

Edited by Scruit
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He's not gonna wave back. He's gonna snap and either shoot you, or run you off of that bridge on a rainy day.

But hey, keep on trying.

I'm just imagining his post on his Harley forum. "This sumbitch keeps waving at me. Every day. Started with the two fingers down, then the boner commercial wave. If he doesn't stop waving, I'm gonna....".


There's this one bike that I pass at least once a week on the Cheshire Road bridge over Alum Creek. Never waves. Should've figured he's not a waver - no helmet/harley riding guy. Looks like a dentist going through a midlife crisis, opened up his checkbook and bought himself some youthfulness. There's me, commuting every day rain or shine on my japanese bike, geared up for the zombie apolcalypse in highlighter-pen dayglo green.

Anyway, I still wave at him. Every time. He never waves back. I'm sure he's a nicer guy than the tough helmetless rider persona he portrays. But I don't care what you ride - if you're on less than 4 wheel then we share a common enemy. And the enemy of my enemy is my friend, right?

So I still wave. But I wave with a little more enthusiasm each time.

At first it was the two fingers pointed down thing. "Keep the rubber on the road". Wishing him safe riding. NOTHING.

Soon after that it was the Enzyte Bob wave. Still laid back but with that little bit extra...

Over time I progressed to the Fonzie "Aaaaayyyyy!" wave (one handed of course).

Time has passed. His heart is still of stone.

So right now I'm stuck at the "Special needs kid just saw his parents in the audience at the school play" wave. Where to go from here?

Maybe I could use the Naval Semaphore flags wave?

I keep thinking that one of these days he's going to crack and wave back at me, after all these months.

And when he does, I'm gonna flip the b@st@rd off.

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He's not gonna wave back. He's gonna snap and either shoot you, or run you off of that bridge on a rainy day.

But hey, keep on trying.

I'm just imagining his post on his Harley forum. "This sumbitch keeps waving at me. Every day. Started with the two fingers down, then the boner commercial wave. If he doesn't stop waving, I'm gonna....".


Or we're gonna bump into each other off the bike one day and he's gonna say; "I wanna wave to you, but if my harley-riding doctor and accountant friends see me then they'll kick me out of the '(Midlife) Crysys Boyz' biker gang..."

Either that or he so new to riding he's scared to take his hand off.

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LoL. I still can't believe this is an issue for motorcyclists. If you don't want to wave' date=' then don't. If you want to wave, then wave. Either way, just do it/don't do it...and stfu, already.[/quote']

+1. People spend too much time thinking about stupid shit.

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Its all in good fun. You are free to ignore the thread.

LoL. I still can't believe this is an issue for motorcyclists. If you don't want to wave' date=' then don't. If you want to wave, then wave. Either way, just do it/don't do it...and stfu, already.[/quote']
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I just play "rock/paper/scissors"...

Most other riders throw paper or scissors. If you see a rider hold out "rock", that's probably me.

Ha, there was a couple of guys that did that up here yesterday. I usually do the "scissors", his buddy threw up paper, and he was last and threw up the rock. I thought of that and laughed for a little.

Scruit - throw up the OR minivan next time you see him and watch his response

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Ha, there was a couple of guys that did that up here yesterday. I usually do the "scissors", his buddy threw up paper, and he was last and threw up the rock. I thought of that and laughed for a little.

Scruit - throw up the OR minivan next time you see him and watch his response

:lol: I always do the scissors myself.

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my wave melts the hearts of even the most hardened of biker gang members.

Haha, I have seen your wave and its priceless! You were baiting with the low arm out, and then just standing up on the pegs and waving furiously once they started to wave back.

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I just play "rock/paper/scissors"...

Most other riders throw paper or scissors. If you see a rider hold out "rock", that's probably me.

Funny. Most of the time I throw scissors and when they dont wave back I throw the bird! :D

I too have issues with waving sometimes. I had a guy look at me and give me a glare one day because I did not wave, kind of hard when you are clutching and braking at the sametime to bring a hand off the bars - plus I was in a corner.

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I've officially (in my own mind) decided that I am tired of the whole waving-at-other-riders-on-the-road thing. I even penned a crappy acronym for it (Riders Against Waving). Dorky?? Absolutely.

I had to run errands on Sunday morning, and there were a TON of bikes out around here (Cin-Day corridor). I was hoping to get out and ride for a little while on Sun afternoon/ evening, but in the back of my head was something about "so many riders, and they'll all want to wave"...

So I get my chores done, and head out for a quick ride about 3:30. Still lots of bikes, but NOBODY waved except one guy on a blacked-out CBR in Miamisburg (okay, I did sorta wave at him. I admit it). The lack of waving was AWESOME. FWIW, this type of stuff is what would keep me from buying a Jeep as well (well, that, AND the whole bailout thing).

Like it said on a t-shirt which I saw the other day, "I'm not mean, I just don't like you". Gotta find me one of those.

I was out riding about the same time Sunday. Short ride over by 73/741/48. Wonder if I'm one of the ones who annoyed you?;)

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