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walking dead season two

kawi kid

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I agree with most of that but I found this episode very dry and I am losing intrest in it.

I am wondering what going to happen next episode. Fatty and the cop going to get it? Bolt holding that gate is ready to give way, building suspence?

Is carl really the other cops son...

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Why run all the way to the FEMA trailer for supplies and not look in the ambulance that's right beside you?

Also ithink its a bit much to drag out finding the girl for going on the third episode. There better be some real good excuse why. And T-dog what's his deal. He hasn't done anything since last season. Just kill him off he basically adds nothing to the story. It seems that there are alot of loose ends and some things they just dwell to long on.

I do like the show I think they just need to move it along.

Completely agree with you. This last episdoe wasn't that great and they need to make the story progress faster. Watching them wander around the woods for 3 hours isn't very interesting.

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I am wondering what going to happen next episode. Fatty and the cop going to get it? Bolt holding that gate is ready to give way, building suspence?

Is carl really the other cops son...

Don't think carl is the other cops due to blood type...I know that doesn't mean much.

I see the fat guy dying the black guy will turn and the girl is hiding. The boy will live the cop will get a way while they feed on fat guy....my prediction...doesn't mean anything

Edited by snot
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I must of missed that part...but I would agree if she is prego.

You didnt miss it. I am just assuming thats what was whispered to Rick at the CDC. Only that she's got a bun in the oven. You could only conclude that since "other cop" was tappin that ass for awhile that there will be some confusion.

"other cop" = dont remember his name and not that worried about it to look it up. So from now till next week i will call him Poncherello.

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Also ithink its a bit much to drag out finding the girl for going on the third episode. There better be some real good excuse why. And T-dog what's his deal. He hasn't done anything since last season. Just kill him off he basically adds nothing to the story. It seems that there are alot of loose ends and some things they just dwell to long on.

I do like the show I think they just need to move it along.


Is carl really the other cops son...

Why do you think that?

Lol I said on episode one to the wife there needed to be less about kids and more about putting holes in zombies heads.


You didnt miss it. I am just assuming thats what was whispered to Rick at the CDC. Only that she's got a bun in the oven. You could only conclude that since "other cop" was tappin that ass for awhile that there will be some confusion.

"other cop" = dont remember his name and not that worried about it to look it up. So from now till next week i will call him Poncherello.

Forgot about the whisper. Hope that comes out soon.

There was only like one zombie in this episode, up until the high school then the show was over. I was bummed.

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You didnt miss it. I am just assuming thats what was whispered to Rick at the CDC. Only that she's got a bun in the oven. You could only conclude that since "other cop" was tappin that ass for awhile that there will be some confusion.

"other cop" = dont remember his name and not that worried about it to look it up. So from now till next week i will call him Poncherello.

Does look like poncherello...forgot the whisper as well...good call

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Well, since Ponch can run faster then the fat guy at the high school, I suspect Poncho lives and the fat guy becomes the main course for zombie dinner.

If the police cars had the keys ( or could be quickly "hot wired") I would have started the car, turned on the sirens, and put the car in gear so the zombies would have followed the car = clear path to trailer for supplies.

The storyline hopefully will pick up quickly.

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wow, I guess well have to see. But, yes I agree she is carrying. I remember the whisper at the CDC as well.

Leason learned from all this: Remeber in the Apoc. That always take that fat bastard with you. :D Except when it is you and another guy and you figure out he is in better shape and weighs less than you do... :(

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Wow, I didn't expect that to happen at the end! :eek:


As soon as Rick came back w/out Otis, I knew he left him for dead so he can get away. Dude has been shady all series. I figured that was the only way when I saw them getting swarmed that one had to be sacrificed. Fucked up though. Should've done a head shot so he wouldn't feel getting ripped apart.

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I don't have to outrun the (bear) zombies, I just have to out run you

True that but he cldve keep it fair. :-) it just thickens the plot so its all good wit me. Although I think because they have more episodes this year the story is taking longer to develop, but I'm ok wit it.

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