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Lions & Tigers & Bears....


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As long as bow hunter stay in their tree stands they should not have a problem and don't try to shoot them with the bows the leopard are the only tree climber and black bears

Uh... What about the panther? Leapord? Tiger? or Grizzly. Not to mention you do have to come out of the tree at some point, then you have the wolves still at large.

It is a shame that they had to put the ones down that they did. Wasn't their faults. But, again hillbillys dont know how to handle this situation.

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I have been listening to the new reports although we all know the media morph's things to sensationalize a story.

The LEO reporting this to the media has skillfully avoided addressing the owner's death, so not sure where all the 'real stories' are coming from, but I would be highly skeptical of rumors.

Criticizing someone like this 'because he had exotics' that potentially could get loose, well Zoo's are about the same thing. And they have killer animals get loose too. Should we condemn them too?

Hearing the Leo talk it is obvious his aim is to get rid of that compound, all of the animals and would love to see all these types of animal sanctuaries eliminated. Imho his personal agenda is focusing his aim at killing them all.

And its the animals that are taking the full brunt of it all while the potential killer of the now dead owner may very well be sitting drinking coffee laughing at us all. But we'll probably never know the 'real story' instead we'll be spoon fed what authorities want us to believe.

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I have been listening to the new reports although we all know the media morph's things to sensationalize a story.

The LEO reporting this to the media has skillfully avoided addressing the owner's death, so not sure where all the 'real stories' are coming from, but I would be highly skeptical of rumors.

Criticizing someone like this 'because he had exotics' that potentially could get loose, well Zoo's are about the same thing. And they have killer animals get loose too. Should we condemn them too?

Hearing the Leo talk it is obvious his aim is to get rid of that compound, all of the animals and would love to see all these types of animal sanctuaries eliminated. Imho his personal agenda is focusing his aim at killing them all.

And its the animals that are taking the full brunt of it all while the potential killer of the now dead owner may very well be sitting drinking coffee laughing at us all. But we'll probably never know the 'real story' instead we'll be spoon fed what authorities want us to believe.

Today Show reports "appears to be a suicide".

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Uh... What about the panther? Leapord? Tiger? or Grizzly. Not to mention you do have to come out of the tree at some point, then you have the wolves still at large.

It is a shame that they had to put the ones down that they did. Wasn't their faults. But, again hillbillys dont know how to handle this situation.

They have grizzlies and wolves out west and people still hunt! Man up you puss :)

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They have grizzlies and wolves out west and people still hunt! Man up you puss :)

Uh huh... I am a man puss. I was at thompson run rd last night till about 3:30 this morning... Helping round up horses and get livestock put up. :D and a little scouting while I was at it with the .375 H&H

All honesty. The cats dont bother me. Are they a bigger threat? sure. Can you hear them coming? Not really. So more dangerous, sure. The wolves stay out, adapt and then start breeding. Then we have a problem. The grizzly, winters coming. He has one thing on his mind. He needs food and fat and a dark hole.

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Uh huh... I am a man puss. I was at thompson run rd last night till about 3:30 this morning... Helping round up horses and get livestock put up. :D and a little scouting while I was at it with the .375 H&H

All honesty. The cats dont bother me. Are they a bigger threat? sure. Can you hear them coming? Not really. So more dangerous, sure. The wolves stay out, adapt and then start breeding. Then we have a problem. The grizzly, winters coming. He has one thing on his mind. He needs food and fat and a dark hole.

I know its horrible of me to say but if the wolves bread and populated a little bit I wouldn't be upset. I think they are one of the most interesting and beautiful creatures in n. America. I have always wanted to hunt wolves.

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My .02.

I agree that this bumpkin Sherrie office is just getting rid of a thorn in its side. Property owners rights must not be relavent this week. I understand escaped animals that are a threat to the public must be dealt with but caged and secured animals being shot in said cages is not right. Especially when trained and funded personnel from Zoos are denied access. Another example of police abusing power.

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looking at the fence - that property is HUGE....and i wonder whats with all the random cars parked all over the yard

The guy collected and sold all kinds of stuff. He had his hand in a little bit of everything. I believe he told me he owned part in a zanesville motorcycle shop at one time. He sold cars boats planes and motorcycles from that property.

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yeah he was arrested on a weapons chrage. This guy was one of those people who could not just have one of something. Everything he did he went all out, look at the google earth image of his proterty its insane. I have been in all those barns and in his house. Its insane the amount of stuff this guy has purchased over the years

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yeah he was arrested on a weapons chrage. This guy was one of those people who could not just have one of something. Everything he did he went all out, look at the google earth image of his proterty its insane. I have been in all those barns and in his house. Its insane the amount of stuff this guy has purchased over the years

I heard American Pickers was on their way to this guy's house.....

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Anyone seen this? Is the guy in this video the guy in question? Been meaning to watch it. It's on Netflix.


different person.

Former brother-in-law has acreage and houses on both sides of West Pike/S.R. 40 about 2.5 miles west of there. I would imagine he might have done some hunting overnight - he's one of those gun-totin' hillbillies, and a damn good shot.

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That means it's hers right? Mount that shit!

Just heard that there have been people out trying to get some of these animals, even heard one couple was caught trying to trap a lion!! :wtf: Man people are really dumb! I also heard that if an animal is hit they say it has to be turned in or you will be brought up on theft charges? I know if i lived there and had the oppertunity to take one out that i am finding someway to have it mounted! :D

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