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Lions & Tigers & Bears....


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Just heard that there have been people out trying to get some of these animals, even heard one couple was caught trying to trap a lion!! :wtf: Man people are really dumb! I also heard that if an animal is hit they say it has to be turned in or you will be brought up on theft charges? I know if i lived there and had the oppertunity to take one out that i am finding someway to have it mounted! :D

No they got caught trying to steal the dead animals body's for the skin and organs bear and tiger organ go for good money in the black market.

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I know its horrible of me to say but if the wolves bread and populated a little bit I wouldn't be upset.

its not horrible at all.

I think they are one of the most interesting and beautiful creatures in n. America. I have always wanted to hunt wolves.

look! a beautiful and interesting creature! lets shoot it! ;)

Edited by John
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Just heard that there have been people out trying to get some of these animals, even heard one couple was caught trying to trap a lion!! :wtf: Man people are really dumb! I also heard that if an animal is hit they say it has to be turned in or you will be brought up on theft charges? I know if i lived there and had the oppertunity to take one out that i am finding someway to have it mounted! :D
I have been listening to the new reports although we all know the media morph's things to sensationalize a story.

The LEO reporting this to the media has skillfully avoided addressing the owner's death, so not sure where all the 'real stories' are coming from, but I would be highly skeptical of rumors.

Criticizing someone like this 'because he had exotics' that potentially could get loose, well Zoo's are about the same thing. And they have killer animals get loose too. Should we condemn them too?

Hearing the Leo talk it is obvious his aim is to get rid of that compound, all of the animals and would love to see all these types of animal sanctuaries eliminated. Imho his personal agenda is focusing his aim at killing them all.

And its the animals that are taking the full brunt of it all while the potential killer of the now dead owner may very well be sitting drinking coffee laughing at us all. But we'll probably never know the 'real story' instead we'll be spoon fed what authorities want us to believe.

the Columbus zoo lost 9 prairie dogs this summer we got 4 shipped from Texas and usda called us and told we had to get them out of the state of Ohio because they are on a banned list for carrying monkey pox so they went to ny after getting vet check here.

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Uh huh... I am a man puss. I was at thompson run rd last night till about 3:30 this morning... Helping round up horses and get livestock put up. :D and a little scouting while I was at it with the .375 H&H

All honesty. The cats dont bother me. Are they a bigger threat? sure. Can you hear them coming? Not really. So more dangerous, sure. The wolves stay out, adapt and then start breeding. Then we have a problem. The grizzly, winters coming. He has one thing on his mind. He needs food and fat and a dark hole.

Dude just man up run up to the grizzly tap him on the nose and call him yogi the bear and ask him where bobo is

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i wonder what all the people complaining about shooting the anilmals would say when they get the bill for tranquilizing, transporting and rehabilitating these animals or even worse if a child gets eaten.

I agree it's no fault of the animals but public safety is number one.

Honestly i say people pay thousands of dollars to go on safari. Find a couple hunters and let them have at it.

They should sell off his land and what eve is their to recoup what it costs to do this

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Criticizing someone like this 'because he had exotics' that potentially could get loose, well Zoo's are about the same thing. And they have killer animals get loose too. Should we condemn them too?

Zoos are not "about the same thing." At all. Zoos have staff of hundreds, who actually know what they're doing, and contingency plans in place in the unlikely event of an escape.

Zoos have people with degrees in animal behavior, zoology, etc.

Zoos also have multiple layers of fenced enclosures, and strict protocols for feeding, cleaning cages, etc. This guy was doing whatever he wanted.

The news says that a lion escaped in 2006, and the neighbor reported that animals got out frequently. Find me instances of the same things happening at zoos. It's nowhere near the same thing. Circuses, maybe, but I think you'll find that zoo escapes (in America) are very rare.

The possession of these animals isn't the issue; it's the ability to control them, and keep them from becoming a public danger. Zoos do a good job. This guy wasn't, and then intentionally set them free. If a zoo employee were to go wacko and attempt anything similar, there would have been 20 sane employees to say, "YOU CAN'T DO THAT!" And even if they weren't around, it certainly would have been discovered a lot more quickly, and controlled in quicker fashion.

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Not true they fall under different rules then private owns usda controls private owns which he should of been under because he took his bear cub in to the public. zoos have there own rules that why a loin climb out of encloser and attack a person. They knew he was a problem and should of got the animals then 2 summer ago and this would of not happen people need to under stand you just cant have these kinds of animals in mass collection. I have one lynx she a good cat but would I just let people pet her no because she could bite them. I don't let people just walk up to my dog and pet them ether. And I don't let people I know hold my gun because they might shoot me.

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My .02.

I agree that this bumpkin Sherrie office is just getting rid of a thorn in its side. Property owners rights must not be relavent this week. I understand escaped animals that are a threat to the public must be dealt with but caged and secured animals being shot in said cages is not right. Especially when trained and funded personnel from Zoos are denied access. Another example of police abusing power.

Where did you here that?

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I agree that animals secured in cages shouldn't be shot, but I question what reasonable alternatives there are.

Assuming you can:

- tranquilize the animal

- transport it

- have a place to take it,

who pays for all that?

trucks and crews cost money. a bullet is ultra cheap by comparison. Harsh reality.

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I agree that animals secured in cages shouldn't be shot, but I question what reasonable alternatives there are.

Assuming you can:

- tranquilize the animal

- transport it

- have a place to take it,

who pays for all that?

trucks and crews cost money. a bullet is ultra cheap by comparison. Harsh reality.

if a zoo was taking the animal, id figure they'd be responsible for those costs. also, if its in a cage, it prob would not need tranquilized?

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if a zoo was taking the animal, id figure they'd be responsible for those costs. also, if its in a cage, it prob would not need tranquilized?

I don't get the impression that zoos have a lot of cash to throw around, but maybe.

Perhaps 'caged" was a poor choice of words on my part.

I mean animals in an enclosure; not a portable cage. Presumably zoos or circuses would have such cages for loan. Ringling Bro's is actually in Cleveland starting tonight.

PETA was out protesting when I left down town at lunch.

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Holy shit the sheriff said in press conference there was 18 bengal tigers

8 of them tiger and 1 was endanger specie which she was know for getting loose in Albany NY. They came from albany ny which have micro chips in them and were brought in the state illegal. Micro chip you use a hand scanner to read them. All ny exotic animals have to be micro chipped under USDA rules

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I agree that animals secured in cages shouldn't be shot, but I question what reasonable alternatives there are.

Assuming you can:

- tranquilize the animal

- transport it

- have a place to take it,

who pays for all that?

trucks and crews cost money. a bullet is ultra cheap by comparison. Harsh reality.

Some times you cant use tranquilize on animals they could die from it to much tranquilizer. Some of my animals were tranquilized my female cougar and male cougar were tranquilize when they left ever my bob cat was. Canadian lynxs was not Africa several was not it depends on the animal.

See back in Ny we were USDA and we want the public to stop coming to see the animals so we ask USDA person what can we do and you know what she told us to put them down because we could not place them with any body else so we ended up moving here because your laws didn't make use have to show the public the animals. 3 day before ted sticklin pass his law the cat went to OK the only on I kept was my Siberian lynx. This is way I think that mass collection is wrong. If you want a exotic animal do research for a couple of years don't just get one because you couldn't be able to handle it. So responable own are going to pay for what this D-bag did letting the animals loose that's why I'm pissed in the next couple of months they are going to come here and break my balls on my lynx which I would follow to what they want. But I'm not letting the public see her to stress her out.

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