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Guns, Buying & Selling


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I generally won't sell guns anymore that are in my name. If I do, I would do it on consignment through an FFL dealer and have them process the paperwork.

There is nothing wrong with being careful and conscious of what firearms can be tracked back to you, but it's highly unlikely that anyone would get in trouble for doing nothing wrong.

Your obligation before selling a firearm in OH is only to ask if the person is 21, if they have a felony record, and if they intend to use it to commit a crime.

You are presumed innocent until proven guilty, so the state would have to PROVE that you DIDN'T do those things for you to get in trouble.

realistically, unless the police are coming back to you multiple times, because guns you sell keep being used in the commission of crimes, you're not going to get a second look.

I don't have anything to hide from the authorities. That said, I don't need 2 guns the same day, so why draw unnecessary attention?

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Gun shows also point out that it is illegal for pirvate sellers to sell to non-Ohio residents. Not sure if this rule applies to all private sales or just gun shows.

All private sales! You are only supposed to sell to a resident ftf, if selling to a non resident you are supposed to go through an ffl from my understanding.

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