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Issue 2 debate on NBC 4- NOW


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I'm sick of he political shit already this year. Next Year will be 10x worse.

It sucks to hear the banter and bullshit commercials but Ohio issues will affect us many times more than the presidential election years.

At least try and get an idea of what your voting on.

FYI as a professional firefighter/medic for 6 years and a current nursing student, Im voting No on issue 2.

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It sucks to hear the banter and bullshit commercials but Ohio issues will affect us many times more than the presidential election years.

At least try and get an idea of what your voting on.

FYI as a professional firefighter/medic for 6 years and a current nursing student, Im voting No on issue 2.

+1, As a Respiratory Therapist at a county hospital i know I am voting NO on this as well...I am sick of people thinking that the politicians are taking the pay cut. It will be the hospital employees, medics, teachers, firefighters, police, etc.

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+1, As a Respiratory Therapist at a county hospital i know I am voting NO on this as well...I am sick of people thinking that the politicians are taking the pay cut. It will be the hospital employees, medics, teachers, firefighters, police, etc.

Ditto. No on 2.

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+1, As a Respiratory Therapist at a county hospital i know I am voting NO on this as well...I am sick of people thinking that the politicians are taking the pay cut. It will be the hospital employees, medics, teachers, firefighters, police, etc.

Let’s keep the facts straight, only public hospital employees will be affected. The vast majority of medical professionals will not be affected.

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Let’s keep the facts straight, only public hospital employees will be affected. The vast majority of medical professionals will not be affected.

Most in the medical field don't know that much even..... They are to busy telling us how we should be ashamed of our way of thinking.

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Not that LE or Firefighters have a good bitch but their employment has little civilian crossover jobs. Teachers have opportunity to work at private schools but not as abundant as public schools. Medical employees have way more opportunities to work in the private sector. If things aren't so rosy working a public job go to the private sector, that should be easy, right.

Things change and adjustments need to be made. I had over 20 years in the Social Security system before they changed my retirement age by two years. There wasn't a big out cry of people complaining about how unfair it was because it was something that needed to be done.

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Not that LE or Firefighters have a good bitch but their employment has little civilian crossover jobs. Teachers have opportunity to work at private schools but not as abundant as public schools. Medical employees have way more opportunities to work in the private sector. If things aren't so rosy working a public job go to the private sector, that should be easy, right.

Things change and adjustments need to be made. I had over 20 years in the Social Security system before they changed my retirement age by two years. There wasn't a big out cry of people complaining about how unfair it was because it was something that needed to be done.

To clarify you're suggesting that I should just quit my career and move out of the state I've been in my entire life over an issue that was questionably put into place, repealed and put on the ballot by hundreds of thousands of hard working concerned ohioians? Whoops ill finish my thought later just got toned out to a possible suicidal.

Edited by sturg
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It wasn't questionably voted in at all, I don't see how you can get to that conclusion. It hasn't been repealed yet but it is starting to look like it may. We elected the representatives to make the laws and if you don't like them vote in ones who will work for you. I don't think we need to have a special election for every law we don't agree with. Be wary of unintended consequences.

I am not suggesting you move away or quit your job unless the grass is greener. There are options but I don't see too many public employees thinking that the grass is greener on the other side and jumping ship because they are being treated unfairly. In most cases public employees have a better benefit package than their private counterparts who the public employees expect to pay for their compensation. Things have hit everyone hard and concessions have been made by most all private employees and it's time for the public ones to feel the same pain.

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I agree that there could be some changes made, but issue 2 is like using an attomic bomb to nail in some finishing nails. The shiity thing is, politics has hard working middle class Ohioians pitted against each other. Taking away the ability to do my job and serve my community safely and effectively is not the answer.

One if the things sb5 does is takes away a balance of power and gives it to govt. If a firefighter and the local govt. Rep come to a stale mate over something, say approval for new fire/ems apparatus issue 2 would give the default vote to the govt. Rep...every time. A whole host of other things but the way you vote on this issue directly affects the community for which I serve and my ability to safely and quickly do it.

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It wasn't questionably voted in at all,......

Funny I remember committee members and voting block members being moved around so that the votes all swung with way Kasich wanted. If someone wasn't on board with Kasich, he or she was simply moved to another committee and an 'agreeing' politician was simply installed as their replacement.

Sounds pretty questionable to me.

In addition there was little to no input from or working with any of those groups directly affected by these changes. Reminiscent of the way Obama's health care bill was shoved down our throats.

Repeal and re create the necessary legislation. SB 5 is only partially right.

Edited by ohiomike
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I bet the Fire Station in Lancaster has an opinion about this!!

Or Chillichothe, they closed an entire fire station. However, the re opened it with Federal money, where does that stuff come from.... Hmmmmm? Luckly then can print more....

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Funny I remember committee members and voting block members being moved around so that the votes all swung with way Kasich wanted. If someone wasn't on board with Kasich, he or she was simply moved to another committee and an 'agreeing' politician was simply installed as their replacement.

Sounds pretty questionable to me.

In addition there was little to no input from or working with any of those groups directly affected by these changes. Reminiscent of the way Obama's health care bill was shoved down our throats.

Repeal and re create the necessary legislation. SB 5 is only partially right.

All legal manuvers to get their agenda passed on what they saw as being a way to help the state and its communitys balance their budgets. I am thankfull to them for trying and am afraid letting the populace vote to take away that ability will hurt the state in the long run. Most people don't have the big picture in mind and only vote their own self interests without knowing all the consiquenses. Beware of getting what you ask for.

There is a parallel between the health care bill, as soon as the next election was help a big percentage of the people who vote for it were removed, we have that ability to do that now in Ohio by not voting for the people who passed this. A representative republic doesn't get to vote on every issue of law made. I'm fairly certain if voted on some of our constitutional rights would be removed, it's a slippery slope. There are plenty of people who would love to have the ability to vote on the national health care bill just because they don't like it but the people who passed it were put in place by people who are for it.

I'll have to revisit this thread when some other socialist "spread the wealth" measure is trying to get passed.

Just to make sure people are consistent in their views. If it's good for the goose, it's good for the gander right?

There are four or five other threads on this same issue make sure you draw your data from all of them for your hypocrisy trap.

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