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A new standard has been set for laziness...


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I saw a parent pick her kid up from school yesterday. She parked in the fire lane to avoid having to walk the 30' from the closest open parking space. Then after she picked up her child she got into he minivan and drove home. She lives DIRECTLY across a residential street from the school. She exited the parking lot and drove all of 20' across the road and into her driveway / garage. Clear day, 65F, sunny. No handicap placard and she appeared to be a perfectly normal average build person, as did her daughter.

Who *drives* a journey of 20'?? WHO??

Her parking space in the lot was 200' from the road.

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I like the Moms who around 3:30 park at the end of their driveway waiting for the little angles to get home so they can drive 40ft into the garage. Granted most these women are about 4ft tall and weigh more than me.

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I would wait at the end of the driveway if I did evening bus duty - but if it's not banging it down with rain or 0F outside then the we'd walk. My driveway is 150'.

When we wait for the bus the only time we sit in the car is it it's below 10F or really pissing down with rain. And even then, I depart to work from the bus stop so it's not a wasted journey.

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