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Highsided on the Zx-10. Need input please


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So, I highsided on the ZX-10. Of all places, in my own neignborhood about 500 feet from my house. Doing maybe 30 - 35 mph. I still have no idea why I lost traction. Going through my neighborhood, I came up on a small curve. I leaned into it heavier than need be for that curve, but certainly nothing more than I have done in the past, on the track, whatever. And for whatever reason, the back tire lost traction. I cant remember if I was increasing throttle or not. the street was dry. Didnt appear to be any sand/gravel, etc. All I can think of is the tire was just too cold. I dont remember it, but I must have tried to correct for it (causing the highside, and not just a lowside), as I was definately in front of the bike when all was said and done. I do remember sliding on the pavement, and knowing full well the bike was coming up behind me. If I remember right I tried to cover my head as much as possible. My son was in front of me in my car, and my girlfriend was behind me in her car. she said both the bike and I "bounced" off the pavement. I came to a stop, and was able to immediately get up. They helped me get the bike up. Several choice words were used, my girlfried was crying, and I was pissed as hell. Bike was NOT in good shape, but other than a broken reaerset, it was drivable. so I continued to ride it with no rear brakes and my right knee resting on the slider. Took it to my new house.

I ended up w road rash on my palm, some less degree rash/scrapes on my knee, butt cheek, and a few other spots. Have a bruised clavical? Collar bone? I dont know. Just know it hurts to turn my head and pretty much any getting up or sitting down. Had headaches, but they are gone. I dont remember hitting my head, but GF doesnt see how thats possible. All I know is there is no scrapes on my head. I cant get/dont have health insurance, so i didnt go to ER. My sis is a nurse, so she dressed the wounds and made sure no risky internal damage.

As to the gear, NONE. no helmet, gloves, etc. Only a winter jacket that probably saved me from a little rash. I have been in the process of moving for the past month or so. Almost all of the old house was empty, including the helmets that we had just taken to the new place. So the whole reason for this ride was to get the bike to the new condo about 3 miles away. Constantly preaching about gear to my gf, and I do a highside w no gear in my own neighborhood 500 feet from my house. Theres a message there somewhere.

so Im trying to decide what to do. Definately not going to leave it all beat up and ride it. Need to decide if I should file a claim or not. I have full coverage w Geico, w a $1000 deductible. It needs plastics, dented the tank, needs a rearset, levers, mirror, sliders, maybe a side vocer, cant rememebr what else. I hate having a wrecked bike, never "fully" knowing if its safe or has some hidden damage, What makes the insurance total a bike? I wouldnt be suprised if they totalled this, but who knows. the swing arm is scratched, but doesnt appear structurally damaged I dont think. I called Geico, wanting to talk to an "agent" to determine the best route, out of pocket or claim. she said "we can file a report and assess the situation then". I asked if that will keep me safe from the raised rates, or is filing a report the same as making a cliam. She said "we use what information we have on file to determine any rate increases" or something like that. So I didnt do anything just yet. But today, I get an email from them with instructions on how to file a claim! What????

So the obvious factors are out of pocket verses deductible, plus the possible rate hike. (How possible is a rate hike for 1st accident?) 42 y/o single male BTW.

Any other input or suggestions greatly appreciated.

NoBama 2012

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Will be totaled if you put a claim in with insurance more than likely, especially with the damage to the swingarm. Can't tell if there are any scratches on the frame, but if there are they will write it up for needing a new frame, which will definitely total it out.

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In some states, bikes are wrecked as soon as they touch the ground, but in Ohio its based usually on cost (how much the bike is worth and how much needs replacing, as well as if the frame is visibly damaged/scratched). The rationalization behind this is that its easy to bend the frame slightly, which it is. Most people ride around on a bike that isn't straight, but its close enough to go unnoticed. The only way to be 100% its not bent is to have it aligned, by a company whose name slips my mind right now (I believe they use lasers and GPS to determine straightness, or something along those lines). From a high-side, its probably bent a little, but not enough to worry about.

Honestly, a first accident like this should not raise your rates at all. I was in an accident at like 17, was cited and there were insurance claims on either side, but my rates never went up. Many companies give you 1 accident because that's what it is, an accident, and they happen sometimes.

How much are you against the idea of riding around on rashed fairings? To me, there doesn't seem to be a lot of damage judging from the pictures. A rearset is all you truly need if looks are not important (you only need 1 mirror for Ohio). To make it 100% like new, you're talking a lot more since it looks like there are a lot of parts with minimal damage (you only showed the right side of the engine, but it shouldn't need a cover). If you refuse to repaint/repurpose parts, then you will need a frame slider, swing arm, mirror, fairings (tail, upper, right side, tank), lever, weight and rearset. Again, I don't see pictures of the left side, so its hard to make a determination. I don't care much for looks, so I say replace the rearset yourself and ride; if she tracks true than your golden

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How much are you against the idea of riding around on rashed fairings?

Very much against.

Not against repaint, but only if done to like new quality. No side job paint jobs.

No pictures of left side because there was no damage to left side.

NoBama 2012

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I would at least look into how much it would cost to fix on your own first. If your insurance jumps up look into other companies...we use pekin and my bike is only 70 a yr full coverage and the zx14 is 300. A yr. So you could do a claim then switch if they raise the rates.

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Not all insurance companies do buy backs, as I found out the hard way. Nationwide told me to F myself with my F150 we wanted to buy back after it was stolen.

And I was told others do the same...

interesting, I did not know that. I've only done it once and it was through progressive when some dumb broad totalled one of our company trucks

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Might be worth having the insurance look at it. I know a really good Yamaha shop/dealer. But i believe they will repair all makes. If the insurance comes out and looks at it and rules it as totaled, the shop will buy it back from you for 500 more than your buy out. Example, insurance totals it and will sell it back to YOU for 1000, as soon as you get the paperwork done, the shop will give you 1500 for it. just something to keep in mind

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Did you go down in the traffic circle?

As far as cost, let Vista take a look at it, and give you an estimate. I'll bet that there's enough damage to eat up $1k real quick.

Sell off the bodywork and streetfighter it.

I'm sure there is. I'm pretty sure it would be totaled. It's the long term costs I'm trying to weigh, with increased premiums. Not sure if that's an automatic or not.

NoBama 2012

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When I was at the knee-down clinic, this summer, someone said that modern bikes can be dropped out of the back of a pickup truck at 75 mph and be ok to ride. So, I'd see if the insurance will allow you to buy it back if they total it, and then go the most economically reasonable route.

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When I was at the knee-down clinic, this summer, someone said that modern bikes can be dropped out of the back of a pickup truck at 75 mph and be ok to ride. So, I'd see if the insurance will allow you to buy it back if they total it, and then go the most economically reasonable route.

Dishez, can we test this "theory" with your Kaw? I've got a truck, and we've got I-75...

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Its only gonna cost you your deductible either way. We can film it, post it on youtube, and get fay-muss. I'd like to go ahead and get my 15 minutes out of the way so I can concentrate on other brilliant ideas. Ohh waitttt, and we can sue that person who said that a 75 mph bike dump from a moving vehicle will still yield a rideable (ridable??) bike. Sweet. Then we can both get brand new bikes, and just go round and round the SW traffic circle.

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