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Question about keeping a gun in the car


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Just got a 3rd email about a stick up at a hotel on campus, this is just ridiculous. What really pisses me off is instead of these incidents helping prove a case for legal carry, they will just make people even more against guns. This may sound harsh but all the people who oppose legal carry should experience what it's like to be held at gun point and have no one help them, I bet they would have a different opinion after that. I have never been in that situation and hope never to be but this is kinda scaring the crap out of me. Keeping my gun in my car is the most I can do to legally protect my self other than my pocket knife which is almost nothing.

Get a bigger pocket knife!!!.. ;)

The GFs mother made a comment about how allowing "kids" to carry on campus is the Dumbest thing she had ever heard. she didn't know I was carrying at that exact moment and Truly believe we should be able to carry everywhere... The GF stopped me before I could put her in her place.

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This is what I thought of when I read your comment haha


I stopped for gas this afternoon on the shitty part of w25th since I forgot to yesterday and had no choice. So I stuffed my gun inside my coat because I just got off work in my dress clothes with a car that was at least 20 years newer than any other car at the station. Walked into the station and the clerk saw it, got kinda nervous but I looked before going in and it didn't say anywhere it wasn't allowed. He looked at me and said "if more people like you carried in my store, I would never get robbed again!"

I don't know whats so hard to understand about this concept. Who in their right mind would commit a crime KNOWING 10 people around them are carrying? No one!

Edited by JStump
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This is what I thought of when I read your comment haha


I stopped for gas this afternoon on the shitty part of w25th since I forgot to yesterday and had no choice. So I stuffed my gun inside my coat because I just got off work in my dress clothes with a car that was at least 20 years newer than any other car at the station. Walked into the station and the clerk saw it, got kinda nervous but I looked before going in and it didn't say anywhere it wasn't allowed. He looked at me and said "if more people like you carried in my store, I would never get robbed again!"

I don't know whats so hard to understand about this concept. Who in their right mind would commit a crime KNOWING 10 people around them are carrying? No one!

It will be a while for colleges in Ohio to allow carry. A group here at OSU is pushing for it after several attacks and robberies on its students. Check out the link below. That should answer the Darwin question. ;)


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Check out the link below. That should answer the Darwin question. ;)


Now that just sounds like a suicide, not a robbery. You would have to be mentally retarded to do that, and even if that were the case he should have walked away after seeing the cop car.

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Now that just sounds like a suicide, not a robbery. You would have to be mentally retarded to do that, and even if that were the case he should have walked away after seeing the cop car.

Apparently he was :rolleyes:. I'd love nothing more for chl holders to be able to carry at work but I'm screwed because I work for a University :(

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Fuck that shit. Carry in silence with your permit in places that prohibit it and just do it discretely; don't announce the shit and they will never know. I know many people that don't pay mind to any signs posted. Just do it because if your life depended on it.....a damn sign isn't worth dying for. Unless you announce it, you'll never be caught with it on you unless you mouth the words," I have a gun" to someone nearby. :D

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I guess if anything I would put it under the seat, I mean who looks under the seat?

Answer: every d-bag in the world, because under the seat is where everyone keeps their handguns.

It's not illegal to keep a gun in your car as long as you are in compliance with the law regarding storage. I'd Google "ORC Improper Transport of a Firearm" and read up on what condition you can / can't store a gun in a vehicle.

Unless you also have a CCW the "proper license" referenced earlier in the thread is meaningless, Ohio has no "gun licensure" or gun registration.

My advice regarding protecting yourself from theft is the following: don't advertise (no gun stickers on car), keep interior immaculate with all valuables out of sight, lock the doors, get a hidden lock box, and prior to storage of a concealed gun take a digital photo of the gun and note the serial number / make / model.

Edit, I should read the whole thread before posting....

Edited by MeefZah
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I read more about the original incidents in the "Cleveland Stater."

Apparently there have been more incidents than I was even aware of.

- the armed robbery at the coffee shop

- a simple assault and robbery (laptop?) on the street

- this hotel armed-robbery (which I am told happened at 3:00 in the afternoon, and directly across from the law building)

- and then also an incident that I read about where a student was approached about using his cell phone. The student declined, but when pressed, consented. Tehn they guy said, "it's gonna cost you $5" to get the phone back. When the kid opened his wallet, the guy told him, "you can give me all of that" and then exposed a semi-automatic pistol in his waste-band.

In one of the other instances (i can't recall which, but it was a street robbery), the victim began to resist, but then realized that 2 other accomplices had approached from behind him while he was speaking with the first guy.


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if prior posters are correct, it's only a misdemeanor in a private business anyway.

No real consequence there, and a very good chance of getting off with a slap on the wrist.

In a state building, it's a felony. That's a big deal.

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I read more about the original incidents in the "Cleveland Stater."

Apparently there have been more incidents than I was even aware of.

- the armed robbery at the coffee shop

- a simple assault and robbery (laptop?) on the street

- this hotel armed-robbery (which I am told happened at 3:00 in the afternoon, and directly across from the law building)

- and then also an incident that I read about where a student was approached about using his cell phone. The student declined, but when pressed, consented. Tehn they guy said, "it's gonna cost you $5" to get the phone back. When the kid opened his wallet, the guy told him, "you can give me all of that" and then exposed a semi-automatic pistol in his waste-band.

In one of the other instances (i can't recall which, but it was a street robbery), the victim began to resist, but then realized that 2 other accomplices had approached from behind him while he was speaking with the first guy.


This is ridiculous!

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if prior posters are correct, it's only a misdemeanor in a private business anyway.

No real consequence there, and a very good chance of getting off with a slap on the wrist..

Don't forget about loss of CHL. as per another previous post anyway.

NoBama 2012

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- and then also an incident that I read about where a student was approached about using his cell phone. The student declined, but when pressed, consented. Tehn they guy said, "it's gonna cost you $5" to get the phone back. When the kid opened his wallet, the guy told him, "you can give me all of that" and then exposed a semi-automatic pistol in his waste-band.


Trying to imagine how I would respond in this situation. At what point do you draw YOUR weapon, and what are the chances of you being faster than the perp who already has his hand on his?

NoBama 2012

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and what are the chances of you being faster than the perp who already has his hand on his?

About zero if he is at all alert. Perhaps the most hopeful approach would be to toss your wallet to the side to distract him.

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