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father of the year....

Steve Butters

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I'm pretty sure I covered that

Yeah, I didn't see that the type of CP was mentioned. My son's very bright for his age, and only suffers a little trouble with his leg and even less with his hand and arm. He's learning right from wrong and pushing the limits, and gets a smack here and there to make him realize when he's pushed it too far.

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having siblings in the mix might be why our views are so different....you even said before you had to do what you had to do to keep them safe or draw attention from them or whatever

im an only child so ive always just had to look out for myself....did my parents spank me? sure, but once i was in middle school my parents split up and my dad moved out, so my mom was the only one who disciplined me - and all she did was smack me which didnt hurt anyways to be honest...i had a limit to how much i would take from either of my parents, and neither of them ever hit that limit....i knew when i deserved to be punished, and i also knew where that line is between how much i deserve and how much im willing to take

oh, and my dads gf hated me too ;)

I'm with IP I am the oldest of 4 (at the time now of 8 due to marriage) and I always got harsher punishment cause I'm the oldest I should know better blah blah blah but my sister next in age is a evil bitch and knew how to get me in trouble and make her look like a angel but not now that she's in college me and my little brother are the favorite :lol:

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Yeah, I didn't see that the type of CP was mentioned. My son's very bright for his age, and only suffers a little trouble with his leg and even less with his hand and arm. He's learning right from wrong and pushing the limits, and gets a smack here and there to make him realize when he's pushed it too far.

I hope people aren't too offended when 98% of the general public knows jack-shit about their child's disability.

I don't profess to be any kind of expert, but I know enough to know that every child is different, even if their diagnosis is identical to another child.

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I'm with IP I am the oldest of 4 (at the time now of 8 due to marriage) and I always got harsher punishment cause I'm the oldest I should know better blah blah blah/quote]

right there with you. I used to try to blame my little brothers, but then they'd expose my lie, and corroborate each others' version of the story.

little bastards... I spent a lot of time sitting on the steps for lying, on top of whatever else I'd done and was lying about.

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I hope people aren't too offended when 98% of the general public knows jack-shit about their child's disability.

I don't profess to be any kind of expert, but I know enough to know that every child is different, even if their diagnosis is identical to another child.

i think there was just a misunderstanding....the girl in the video has a rare form of CP, and im assuming Judd's kid has the more common kind since he was saying it doesnt affect his kid too much aside from some physical things. nobody was saying that all kids with CP have problems listening and reacting etc, just that the specific kind the girl had can cause other problems aside from just physical

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I hope people aren't too offended when 98% of the general public knows jack-shit about their child's disability.

I don't profess to be any kind of expert, but I know enough to know that every child is different, even if their diagnosis is identical to another child.

That's why I don't know if it's even worth them mentioning the CP. If it doesn't effect her mentally, and her decision making, then why is it even brought up?

My son's CP has made us stronger if anything. We will never use it as an excuse, or as a way for people to feel sorry or anything. Many people don't even notice it unless they see him in shorts where his brace is showing.

Back on topic...

I got swatted by the belt more than a few times as a kid. It was never more than one or 2 cracks. It's clear that this guy has anger, or self control issues.

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If it doesn't effect her mentally, and her decision making, then why is it even brought up?

but it does.

not all CP is the same

read the post by TheBrown57, he put up a description of her type.

im sure you know more than most people here about CP since you go through it with your own kid, and i know you know more about it than i do.

but the fact still remains that there are different types and that the type the girl has CAN affect her mentally

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That's why I don't know if it's even worth them mentioning the CP. If it doesn't effect her mentally, and her decision making, then why is it even brought up?

because the media will profit from demonizing this father.

beating a child is bad. beating a "disabled" child is worse.

I completely agree that it's not relevant.

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I completely agree that it's not relevant.
Perception impairments in individuals with Cerebral Palsy have their origin in the brain damage that was sustained. A child with cerebral palsy may experience sensory integration dysfunction as a result of central nervous system damage. Sensory integration dysfunction is the inability of the brain to correctly process information brought in by the senses.

The child may have difficulty judging distance as they move their bodies or, if they require them, wheelchairs through a large room or space because their brains have difficulty or are unable to process the cues being sent from the senses.

Visual and auditory integration problems are frequently noticed in children with cerebral palsy. This is different from having a physical inability to see or hear things. When a child has a visual processing deficit, it means that they have a hard time finding the words for objects they are viewing. Sometimes if they are asked to go get an object, they might look right at it and then say they can't find it. This is because they are seeing it but their brains are not processing what it is they are viewing.

Auditory integration problems are the same, the child hears what you say but the brain does not process it in a way that is meaningful. It may take several minutes for what you have said to "click" with the child and make sense. One helpful way of interacting with a child who suffers auditory integration problems is to break down instructions, giving them one thing at a time to do. Let them finish with the first task before you give them direction for the next step. Music therapy can also be helpful with treating auditory processing deficits

Some children with cerebral palsy have impaired ability to feel simple sensations like touch and pain. They may also have stereognosia, or difficulty perceiving and identifying objects using the sense of touch. A child with stereognosia, for example, would have trouble identifying a hard ball, sponge, or other objects placed in his hand without looking at the object.


im not completely saying the CP is to blame - but to write it off as irrelevant and to get offended that its being mentioned doesnt seem appropriate either

Edited by Steve Butters
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im not completely saying the CP is to blame - but to write it off as irrelevant and to get offended that its being mentioned doesnt seem appropriate either

I'm only offended that it's mentioned IF it's not a factor. I've seen your posts that say (in the same post) that it does, then it can effect her judgement, etc...

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I'm only offended that it's mentioned IF it's not a factor. I've seen your posts that say (in the same post) that it does, then it can effect her judgement, etc...

understandable. and i dont know enough about the girl to know if it was or not to be honest, either way i still feel the same about the incident.

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That was taken too far. I think it was redkow that said it: When the dad said he hadn't gotten his licks it yet, it was for hit benefit and not the child's.

I never got beat with a belt or a paddle as a kid. My dad would just back hand me on the butt or thigh. After getting that a few times, all it did was take him threaten to do it and I'd change my tune. My mom used to smack me on the head with her wedding ring, not abusive like or anything, just enough to change my thinking. She did it by accident one time and then realized it worked. No, they never abused me and I don't regret what they did.

My daughter only gets spanked when it's serious, and it's never for my benefit or enjoyment. My wife and I, being prior army, tend to take a bit of a different approach then most. She usually gets to do some physical training; push-ups, sit-ups, flutter kicks, etc. Never enough to hurt her, but enough for her to change her thinking at the time. It also tends to calm her down because her mind is somewhere other than what she did wrong and she's also getting stronger. She is very well disciplined and I trust her more than I trust many 8 year olds (she's 4).

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I used to get the slipper if I was bad, but at about age 6 I got slippered for soemthing I didn't do. My mother was so remorseful when she found out that she never used corporal punishment again.

My wife and I are agreed that our son does not get any kind of physical punishment. He's never needed it.

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not meant in any bad taste but I personally find this true for todays society again what the judge did is WRONG AND BAD!! now smile with me


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Alright, my dad was a Sargent in the green berets in vietnam. One tough s.o.b. He was a little rough at times but you really had to fall out of line. His tool of choice was a fan belt or if you really f'ed up a timing belt.

Now that said, this was not necessary for this child. I mean the one time I did get it, it was for taking the windshield out of my brothers Mach 1 with a 22 rifle. Not for a game.

Edited by Beegreenstrings
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Alright, my dad was a Sargent in the green berets in vietnam. One tough s.o.b. He was a little rough at times but you really had to fall out of line. His tool of choice was a fan belt or if you really f'ed up a timing belt.

This made me :lol:

My dad was Army Ranger and was known to be crazy when shit hits the fan ask the guy that tried to break in and he tackled out the front door beat the shit outta him bit his nipple off and ripped his nuts off required 300+ stitches they tried to sue my dad for excessive force judge tile them "your lucky Mr. Brown didn't kill you" :lol:

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This made me :lol:

My dad was Army Ranger and was known to be crazy when shit hits the fan ask the guy that tried to break in and he tackled out the front door beat the shit outta him bit his nipple off and ripped his nuts off required 300+ stitches they tried to sue my dad for excessive force judge tile them "your lucky Mr. Brown didn't kill you" :lol:

like....literally ripped his nuts off?? and who bites some strange guys nipple?? well, besides gen3...that shit is just weird

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This made me :lol:

My dad was Army Ranger and was known to be crazy when shit hits the fan ask the guy that tried to break in and he tackled out the front door beat the shit outta him bit his nipple off and ripped his nuts off required 300+ stitches they tried to sue my dad for excessive force judge tile them "your lucky Mr. Brown didn't kill you" :lol:



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They were completely removed lol there was actually 2 guys but the other guy got knocked to the ground put cold he was the lucky one my dad also has a decent record he was the guy that came when u didn't pay up but that's all in the past he's alot ALOT better now just don't give him whiskey trust me

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