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Why people hate lawyers


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That has to be fake. No prosecutor in his right mind would post that on a public forum.

I can mostly agree with that. However, I have tried not to use "never," "none" or other forms of those words anymore when it comes to people. In the career field I am in you see all of the stupid in the world. Ha ha ha. You just never know.

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I'd agree that the post shows "why people hate lawyers," but I reject the notion that the jerkoff posting is truly reflexive of the profession as a whole.

If that's real, the person posting it is an idiot, but it's not an unprecedented move. Allegedly an APA was transfered to the juvenile division for posting something to the extent of "I can't believe I got that guy to plead guilty! I had NOTHING on him!"

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I'd agree that the post shows "why people hate lawyers," but I reject the notion that the jerkoff posting is truly reflexive of the profession as a whole.

If that's real, the person posting it is an idiot, but it's not an unprecedented move. Allegedly an APA was transfered to the juvenile division for posting something to the extent of "I can't believe I got that guy to plead guilty! I had NOTHING on him!"

Having no evidence of guilt is not the same as knowing someone is innocent.

Still, the lesson is clear - don't post anything online that you don't want your mother, boss, pastor and enemies to read.

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again IF that's actually real, the person posting is morally bankrupt, but I assume they're being driven by the fact that; at least on the surface, prosecutors are judged by their conviction rate.

If something is going to trial, it's because THE prosecutor (i.e. the guy who got elected, not one of the Assistant Prosecuting Attorneys he hired) feels he can get a conviction.

Once the big man decides, the minions don't have a lot of say in whether or not the state pursues or drops the charges. At that point, a failure to push for a conviction is shirking on your job duties.

I think the attorney has an obligation to point out to his superior(s) that the defendant appears to be innocent, but if that's how things appear to the prosecuting attorney, there's no reason it should not also appear that way to the defense attorney, and the jury.

And then there's always the appeals process. That's another reason I have a hard time believing this is real. Judges don't like being reversed. If the judge shared the prosecutor's belief that the defendant was innocent, he likely would have taken action to that effect.

If it's not glaringly obvious by now, I work in criminal prosecution. Like any work place, there are a handful of assholes, but the vast majority of the attorneys I work with are extremely nice people, and take the gravity of their job very very seriously.

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Really. If he had exculpatory evidence (presumably the basis of his "innocence" assertion) then withholding same would send HIM to jail.

Hey all I'm saying is that it's career suicide on his part if sad post is indeed real. plus some outside influence had to be part of the process for that to be posted as well just sayin.

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