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Way too close for comfort


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i hate when people act surprised that they get bit or when they want to try and hunt down evil sharks etc etc.....its like going to africa and finding a shady area with lions hanging out and then getting pissed off when they maul your ass for trying to hang out with them....people are stupid

if you want to risk swimming in the ocean, by all means go and do it, but to act like its some huge thing when theres a shark sighting/attack, please

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Wait What..... A second time?

I can't remember what kind of shark it was, but it got her on the foot in Florida when she was surfing like 5 years ago

i hate when people act surprised that they get bit or when they want to try and hunt down evil sharks etc etc.....its like going to africa and finding a shady area with lions hanging out and then getting pissed off when they maul your ass for trying to hang out with them....people are stupid

if you want to risk swimming in the ocean, by all means go and do it, but to act like its some huge thing when theres a shark sighting/attack, please

Its a great white, its a shock because they aren't supposed to be in that close to shore

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Its a great white, its a shock because they aren't supposed to be in that close to shore

it says they are known to come to the area this time of year for seals and sea lion (which both live on beaches)....i still stand by my statement, and even if great whites arent supposed to be there, great whites are listed as the second most dangerous shark, right after the bull shark...and bull sharks prefer water that is less than 3 feet deep because they bask in the sunlight, they can also breathe fresh water and are known to swim up rivers.....so great white or not theres always a risk any time someone gets in the water....im not against swimming in the ocean, i am actually hoping to plan a cageless dive at tiger beach to swim with tiger sharks sometime in my future when money allows....just hate when media and other people act like they own the water and that sharks arent welcome....youre in their territory, dont be surprised if they have a problem with it...reference back to my comment about lions

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WOw..... I have seen several pics like this and that is the whole reason I didnt go in the water on my honeymoon...... in middle school sharks were all I really read about and the are crazy killn machines. they show up in odd places sometimes.... reference to a attack, cant remember where, but the boys name was stillwell and it was a ways up river. tbutera hit on the head on how the media freaks over an attack.... there was/is even an idiot from australia (i think) that feels all whites should be wiped off the earth. people just think they should be able to roam where ever and not have issues......... I know thats not reality so thats why you dont see my happy white butt walkin thru the wrong side of chicago at night.

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its a shock because they aren't supposed to be in that close to shore

Huh :wtf:

What about watching shark week. Them things are always attacking some poor bastard in a few feet of water. It's like they just like messing with us. The hell with the surfers out in deep water chuck (we'll just assume his buddies name is chuck and that it is a male shark :D ) lets get this chicken shit in a couple of feet right here.:rolleyes:

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Huh :wtf:

What about watching shark week. Them things are always attacking some poor bastard in a few feet of water. It's like they just like messing with us. The hell with the surfers out in deep water chuck (we'll just assume his buddies name is chuck and that it is a male shark :D ) lets get this chicken shit in a couple of feet right here.:rolleyes:

keywords: supposed to

I know it happens and I'm not totally disagreeing with tbutthead, just saying its less normal for certain types of sharks to be in certain areas

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We were fishing off of the beach at HHI about 14 years ago, and were amazed at the types and numbers of fish we pulled out of the water, and how relatively close-in to shore they were. Lots of stingrays, some croakers, and a small sand shark. After that, the guy I was fishing with wouldn't go into the water. This past August we were down in Destin, and the water was glass smooth and crazy clear, so he finally got in the water. We were floating on boogie boards about 150 feet off of the beach. We could see the bottom of the sea floor, and there was a stingray hanging out below us. Little yellow and black fish were hanging out in our shadows, and would nip at us once in awhile. We didn't have masks or anything. Just looking down from above. Asked him how deep it was, and neither of us had a clue, so I moved over and dropped down. Guessing about 10-11 feet deep. It was amazing.

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I wasn't trying to get a debate started on people bitching about sharks being so close to shore. lol I was just in awe you see this giant shark's tail in the wave and then close by is some surfer, hell of a pic. Wonder if he knew it was there?

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