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Dilema at the gun shop


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Yesterday a lady comes in, acts all a bitch right off the bat.

Purchases 2 50.00 gift certificates for her sons or grandsons, i did not catch the entire conversation.

However, while the owner was filling out the GC the lady says,

"well that is just redicoulus"!, "how can you display something like that in your store"! I was damn I left a joke laying out.

So the other owner heads that way, when we get to the front counter. The lady is pointing to this sign hanging on the side of the register. (see below)

I Laugh to myself... and stated "if that offends you then why did you come to a gun shop". That stupid bastard wants to restrict or take everything there is about you owning or having a gun or ammo.

Turned and walked away.

Just thought it was funny.

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If I was the owner of a business, especially a small one, I'd keep my political views to myself, so as to not turn away any potential customers who may believe otherwise...just my two cents.

With that said, I find it funny as well.

Ordinarily I'd agree - however a gun shop tends to attract the more right-wing clientele to begin with.

Edited by Scruit
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If I was the owner of a business, especially a small one, I'd keep my political views to myself, so as to not turn away any potential customers who may believe otherwise...just my two cents.

With that said, I find it funny as well.

Those offended by that joke probably shouldn't/wouldn't own firearms anyways.

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Ordinarily I'd agree - however a gun shop tends to attract the more right-wing clientele to begin with.

exactly... These people have political ties and truthfully could care less what anyone thinks. Most likely would tell you that if someone asked.

Good people, just really strong in the beliefs.

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If I was the owner of a business, especially a small one, I'd keep my political views to myself, so as to not turn away any potential customers who may believe otherwise...just my two cents.

With that said, I find it funny as well.

Should I take my Obama dollar out of the display case then?

Edit: For that matter, the EXTREMELY RIGHT WING bumper sticker on the office door?


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Last I checked this is still a free country. If it offends you then either don't look don't listen or go some where else because obviously where you are at the majority is not offended and has the right to there opinion. Everything is offensive to some one we can please everyone all the time.

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Yup.....and there is no "right" or "free country" in a good ole gunshop. They set the rules and don't have to sell you a damn thing if they don't feel like it. Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out!!!!!:usa:

You should have said that a $50 gift card costs $60 to her, $10 for putting up with her! :lol:

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