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Holiday plans got hosed :(


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So our Thanksgiving plans got screwed up. We had to rush our dog to the

vet last night, then take him from there to a 24hr animal hospital. He is still

there, hopefully will be able to come home tomorrow morning.

We were supposed to be on the road this evening to visit family for the

weekend up in Lorain/Elyria but that all changed last night.

So anyway, the point of this thread is we didn't have plans to be here this

weekend so instead of rushing out to the store tonight and buying stuff

to make Thanksgiving dinner for two we are going to go out and have

dinner tomorrow afternoon at HomeTown Buffet in Hilliard, and anyone else

that had there plans changed or is stuck here in town is more than welcome to

join us!

We'll be there tomorrow probably around 12:30 or 1pm.

BTW, the dog had some kind of episode brought on by extremely low blood

sugar and his liver enzyemes were big time screwed up. He started vomiting

uncontrollably and moaning. They have him stablized and it looks like its a

problem with his diet and the insulin hes been getting for his diabetes, they

think his diabetes is actually in remission so we've been overdosing him

and didn't know it :( Anyway, hoping to get him back tomorrow.

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hope the pooch is ok...our plans changed a little this year too...my wife had to work today and i think im going trail riding tommorrow so we planned on having dinner during the buckeyes game saturday sounds like a good combo to me

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Two drawbacks to eating Thanksgiving dinner at HTB...

1. Can't bring any leftovers home

2. Was too full to eat dessert. I usually have it later but you can't

just hang around the restaurant :p

It was good, had three big plates of food.

Dog still isn't home, we went and played with him for a little while after

eating. We might be able to bring him home tonight if his blood sugar test

at 8pm is good, the 4pm reading was down, now they want to see it stay


Thanks for the thoughts/wishes for the little guy!

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Man I hope the dog is okay, and sorry but I need to use this thread to vent a little;

I get home last night, GF tells me we need to go to her dads side early in the day, I say; We just had thanksgiving for 3 hours with them last weekend 30 minutes away and we dont need to do this again... She said well then we can go after my moms at 3pm. I said fine, I need to wash and wax the truck. It was too cold to hand wax it so I washed it real good, and used a spray on wax, which did not make me happy, but due to having to leave early I did what I needed to.

We get to her moms, eat, sit there for 1 hr and leave. Get to her dads, and everyone alaredy ate. This was at 530pm, so Im like what the fuck are we here for? She said just to visit, okay cool, they at least have cable unlike her moms, so we sit around and wait for the loser mid 30yr olds to come out of their bedrooms(yes they all live at home after getting 100K each for a settlement for the death of their father at age 21).... NONE of them come out, her step mom apparently fell asleep, and the rest of them were playing video games so too busy to visit.

We sit there for 2 fucking hours, just my gf, me, and her dad. Luckily her step niece showed up and hungout for a little, but the kid is 17 so not a lot in common, just nice to see 1 of the like 10 step kids doing something with their life as she is the only one.

We finally leave at 8pm, and go back to her moms so I can drink heavily with her step dad who is the only normal fucker in the whole bunch. Well everyone had left because people started smoking and drinking, so it was he and I and I have to work tomorrow so I said fuck it and left.

Anyone, I dread holidays with a passion. My family is the chillest people in the world, basically whatever we want to do they do. We are showing up Saturday for a Thanksgiving feast with them, and drinking heavily. We can stay at their house, bring my dog, go out, they DD me, do whatever. It just amazes me how fucking much people can be losers and how Im most likely going to end up in that family... Sucks.

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He's home! Running around and playing like nothing even happened :p

I've been to the E Vet a few times with two of my dogs. I hope your Visa is ready for a melt down. They're not cheap but when it's for your buddy that doesn't matter.

I broke out the "emergency visa"...

$184.78 - initial visit to the vet

$858.47 - total for the dog hospital


$1,043.25 Total

But I would have spent twice that if we needed to.

Glad we didn't need to though ;)

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Damn, madcat...sounds like you should have dumped that bitch and ate at Home Town Buffet with Swingr...

There was still drama at HTB, dealing with people that don't normally go to

the buffet and don't know the normal buffet ettiquite, got tired of telling

people they were doing it wrong :p

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Man I hope the dog is okay, and sorry but I need to use this thread to vent a little;

I get home last night, GF tells me we need to go to her dads side early in the day, I say; We just had thanksgiving for 3 hours with them last weekend 30 minutes away and we dont need to do this again... She said well then we can go after my moms at 3pm. I said fine, I need to wash and wax the truck. It was too cold to hand wax it so I washed it real good, and used a spray on wax, which did not make me happy, but due to having to leave early I did what I needed to.

We get to her moms, eat, sit there for 1 hr and leave. Get to her dads, and everyone alaredy ate. This was at 530pm, so Im like what the fuck are we here for? She said just to visit, okay cool, they at least have cable unlike her moms, so we sit around and wait for the loser mid 30yr olds to come out of their bedrooms(yes they all live at home after getting 100K each for a settlement for the death of their father at age 21).... NONE of them come out, her step mom apparently fell asleep, and the rest of them were playing video games so too busy to visit.

We sit there for 2 fucking hours, just my gf, me, and her dad. Luckily her step niece showed up and hungout for a little, but the kid is 17 so not a lot in common, just nice to see 1 of the like 10 step kids doing something with their life as she is the only one.

We finally leave at 8pm, and go back to her moms so I can drink heavily with her step dad who is the only normal fucker in the whole bunch. Well everyone had left because people started smoking and drinking, so it was he and I and I have to work tomorrow so I said fuck it and left.

Anyone, I dread holidays with a passion. My family is the chillest people in the world, basically whatever we want to do they do. We are showing up Saturday for a Thanksgiving feast with them, and drinking heavily. We can stay at their house, bring my dog, go out, they DD me, do whatever. It just amazes me how fucking much people can be losers and how Im most likely going to end up in that family... Sucks.

It sucks when you are with someone that you don't like their family :( Its pretty rare when my family can get through a holiday peacefully and it usually puts my SO in an awkward situation... but I usually try to be fair and make it up to them...

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I ended up having a pretty rough day. My grandpa has been in liver failure from sclerosis from drinking way too much and not eating nearly enough for years. Tonight he finally passed and it was pretty rough even though we knew it was coming. He played a pretty big part in me turning out the way I did.

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I ended up having a pretty rough day. My grandpa has been in liver failure from sclerosis from drinking way too much and not eating nearly enough for years. Tonight he finally passed and it was pretty rough even though we knew it was coming. He played a pretty big part in me turning out the way I did.

Not to be a dick, but this is exactly what puts things into purspective for me, like my day wasn't 1/10000th as bad as yours then man.

Sorry for your loss bro.

And the worst part of all this is I like her family, but the holidays are NIGHTMARES with them. We got into it last year because her mom does Christmas eve, then she wanted to go to her sisters with her mom and all the same people Christmas morning, then her dads mid day, I was like F THAT, I have a family too. We do Christmas eve at her moms now, and Christmas day with my family and stay the night normally if we have a day after off.

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tyler, sorry to hear about your grandpa.

rosso, good to hear your pup is in good shape again. i'd shit bricks and then money if gatsby got sick like that. i'd probably panic and call 911 actually.

to help lighten up the down-ness of this thread, and putting my pedopanda hat off the side (I really do have one), i'm going to be an uncle in a few short weeks to an adorable, undoubtedly brilliant, sarcastic, witty, and just plain fantastic korean-chinese mudblood of a baby girl. i've made arrangements to drop everything and rush back down to columbus when my sister goes into labor and be there for her and her husband when the faithful day finally arrives. I really hope it's on my birthday so that I can just spoil the ever loving shit out of her... right up until she starts realizing she's been spoiled so she doesn't grow up as some snot nosed brat.

anyway, i'm just overwhelmed with the prospect of being an uncle, which, believe you me, i NEVER thought I'd be like this. ever since we moved to the states, it's always just been the core family (my parents, my sister, and myself) and we survived some tough times in korea and here in the states, but the last few years has finally been kind to us. other than my brother in law and my fiance (and let's be honest, they are expendable compared to blood lol), the prospect of adding a member to that core family is just overwhelming to me. i know i'm being obnoxious as hell with all this bubbly positiveness, but i'm just so retardedly happy to be an uncle. i don't know what to do.

babbling off: i hope you all had a wonderful thanksgiving. i hope happiness finds you like it found me... i've known i'm going to be an uncle for months now, but these last few days has set off a spark in me. i'm going be an uncle. this is terrifying and wonderful news.

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