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Hey crb, here's how the tank it doing...


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Nice, it didn't take you long to get it cleaned up and setup. Hopefully you have better luck with it than the wif3 did, she had some cannibal fish that were supposed to be schooling fish. Good luck with the new tank, looks good.

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Looks good.. Is that a sand bottom?

Yep. Play sand from Lowe's.

Nice, it didn't take you long to get it cleaned up and setup. Hopefully you have better luck with it than the wif3 did, she had some cannibal fish that were supposed to be schooling fish. Good luck with the new tank, looks good.

No it didn't. Lol.

Hopefully it does well. Never done an all planted tank so I am a bit nervous.

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ooh, i've been slightly schooled in aquariums. my fiance works at jacks and has done salt and fresh. if yall have any questions, i've got free expert advice! :-)

Can she get me cheap prices on fish? Lol

I love sand bottoms because the fish will move it around to their liking i hate it because it sucks to clean...

Which is why I want to get it self sustaining so I don't have to vacuum it.

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  • 1 month later...

I just added the rocks to the tank tonight. Think it looks pretty good. I also now have at least 4 baby Platies, 2 large shrimp and a couple baby shrimp. I also added the Cory from my other tank, I think the Angel Fish were picking on him. He seems happier with the sand bottom anyways. They're all doing pretty well.


Edited by chevysoldier
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  • 3 weeks later...

Beautiful tank! I've always wanted to try a planted tank, but have been weary since it's a whole different science than saltwater.

I decommissioned my 65gallon reef (downsized to 30gal cube) and have been thinking of using it to make an ohio biotope tank with some bluegill and such. If they get too big I can just put em in the pond out back and catch some littluns to start over.

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Beautiful tank! I've always wanted to try a planted tank, but have been weary since it's a whole different science than saltwater.

I decommissioned my 65gallon reef (downsized to 30gal cube) and have been thinking of using it to make an ohio biotope tank with some bluegill and such. If they get too big I can just put em in the pond out back and catch some littluns to start over.

Thanks. Its really not as difficult as I thought, not much more rime spent on it than my non planted 50 gallon. Lighting and fertilizer are key really. I've got some decent growth coming in. Actually had to clip off some and replant.

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Salt water is easy the hard part is keep the salt at the right levels

if you are looking for fish check the internet ship them right to your house.

but order them in the spring weather to cold to ship them.

Yep, Sofar all I've done is saltwater. So that's what I'm used to. It's an interesting perspective coming from salt looking into fresh. It may not seem so different, same basic principals, but the devil is in the details.

Thanks. Its really not as difficult as I thought, not much more rime spent on it than my non planted 50 gallon. Lighting and fertilizer are key really. I've got some decent growth coming in. Actually had to clip off some and replant.

I was reading up on it a while ago. Seems in a heavily planted tank with alot of light the plants need more co2 to grow. So co2 injection is used. But if you found the right balance thats pretty cool.

Edited by DrewsBrews
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Right if you have the correct balance of fish and plants you don't need to inject carbon dioxide. Also things like a bubbler and surface agitation play a part in your oxygen and c o 2 levels. I run minimal filtration and little to no surface agitation. I also don't hardly

Vacuum the substrate much because I wanna get it almost self sustaining.

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  • 1 month later...

Yesterday my wife bought a BN Pleco for the planted tank. She acclimated it but put it right into the tank instead of the quarantine tank. Today we went and got 6 Cherry Barbs for the planted tank and BN Pleco for the corner tank, those are in the quarantine tank below. My kiddo wanted her pic taken so thought I'd share.


The Cory I relocated to this tank is doing really well. He loves the sand and has been digging holes under the rocks and driftwood. Wish I would have had sand for him all along.


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