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Locked out


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Ok so I've been sitting in my garage (gf parents I live with) since 4:30 cause my dumbass left my keys in the house after I locked it all up. Called gfs brother to see if he had spare key and he says yes but is out shopping won't be home till 6 I say ok thanks. I figure home at 6 over here by at the most 6:20 (lives 10 min max away) also I was on my way out to leave for work at 5 so I'm in uniform for Dominos. So 6:45 rolls around I ask "didn't forget bout me did ya" he replies "I told you we would be home around 6" so I say well it's almost 7 just checking" and I get this "we've been home since 6:10"...... WTF!!! I'm sitting in a garage in dress pants and a dominos shirt and my jacket without a heater and you've been home for over 30 min!!!! And yet still here I sit at 7:27 waiting for him (gf is at work till 9:30 and parents are in Michigan) and just the other day guy calls me needing help with furniture and I had plans to hang out with friends but decided "he's gonna be my brother in law so i should help" and head his way ended up not going to pick up what he needed help but he helped me pick up my new bike so I bought him and his son dinner at Taco bell. Well all I have to say is Karma is a bitch and it's pretty fucking cold outside tonite


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To far to walk to his house? Just askin. If it makes you feel better...2ys ago in dec. I let the cat out to pee. Well I went out side to get her and locked us out. Coat, keys, and phone were in the house. All the neighboros were at work. We were out there for over 2hrs waiting on hellmutt to get home. I started the grill and used our mail to get the wood lit in the fire pit. I always have my keys when I walk out the door.

Edited by snot
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  snot said:
To far to walk to his house? Just askin. If it makes you feel better...2ysa ago in dec. I let the cat out to pee. Well I went out side to get her and locked us out. Coat keys and phone were in the house. All the neighboros were at work. We we're out there for over 2hrs waiting on hellmutt to get home. I started the grill and used our mail to get the wood lit in the fire pit. I always have my keys when I walk out the door.

Work is a 45 min drive for me lol

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  gen3flygirl said:
already here!

thats what you get for mixing pokemon with dragonballz

Watch DBZ abridged it will make more sense if you haven't seen it already cause I didn't make that pic its a screen shot from an episode. If you like DBZ you will love DBZA.

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  snot said:
How far is it to walk to your gf bothers house?

10 min drive but gf gets off at 9 and I'm pretty much not gonna go into work now he took to damn long also I'm in all black don't really wanna walk down the road to his house I'm out in the country only 3 street lights on the 3 mile stretch of road to the main highway and even less on that one and my road is the "middle of nowhere and it's flat so gun it" road

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  snot said:
Well at least your ok. Lesson learned! It took me a couple of times to learn mine.

Ya we usually leave the garage door unlocked but it was going to be completely empty until 9:30-10 so just wanted to lock everything up. This is the first and last time it will happen lol

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I have a keysafe outside the front door. Works for me.

But, I'm not able to lock the doors without the key, so I can't lock myself out unless I leave without keys and my wife locks up and leaves later. That's when the keysafe comes in to play.


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