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F*#k Walmart


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I think the worst part is that we all complain about it but we never actually say something to the person who is blocking the aisles and in general doing shitty stuff.... maybe if they were embarrassed about it a little bit they would think about it the next time.

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I think the worst part is that we all complain about it but we never actually say something to the person who is blocking the aisles and in general doing shitty stuff.... maybe if they were embarrassed about it a little bit they would think about it the next time.

That's a good point

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I think the worst part is that we all complain about it but we never actually say something to the person who is blocking the aisles and in general doing shitty stuff.... maybe if they were embarrassed about it a little bit they would think about it the next time.

Oh, I say stuff to inconsiderate dirtballs all the time. They always look shocked, but are usually too stupid to be embarrassed.

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I think the worst part is that we all complain about it but we never actually say something to the person who is blocking the aisles and in general doing shitty stuff.... maybe if they were embarrassed about it a little bit they would think about it the next time.

Nice idea, but it wouldn't make a difference. People like that are not only inconsiderate, they're ignorant, indignant when being told anything, and probably some other i-word.

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I don't go to walmart for this and many other reasons. I can understand the taking the kids and 3 carts but the bad manners and kids out of control I don't. Growing up I had to be on my best behavior all the time.

Edited by snot
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I will say things when someone is creating a dangerous situation. Watched a kid drive down the front of Lowes right in between people in the crosswalk, texting. Window open. I can to take a couple steps back to avoid being hit, so when his window got level to me I yelled; "HANG UP THE PHONE!" Looked at me like I was gonna kill him, and drove away.

Picking up my son from school some lady was parked in the fire lane (pickup lane is elsewhere). At night, totally dark, and she's blocking my view of kids stepping off the sidewalk. As I went to pass her car she started moving forward so I stopped, she stopped. I set off, she set off. This continued a couple of times before I realized that she had no clue I was there - she was on the phone. I set off again and damn near his a group of kids that walked right out from behind her SUV. By the time I got parked and walked back to the school she was still there.

"Why are you parking in the fire lane?"

"I'm picking up my daughter."

"Passing cars can't see kids trying to cross the road!"

"Excuse me?"

"Park in that space there, it's only 30' away."

"I have to park here to pick up my daughter." (Daughter comes running out and jumps in the car)

"I'm picking my kid up too... You're not special." (She drove away)

Or the guy driving through dublin yesterday... Bumper-to-bumper traffic, and this guy comes driving down the road left-of-center, passing all the backup. He got stuck right next to me and I let him have the benefit of my opinion. He looked at me like I just admitting to raping a puppy, then set off driving again - continuing left-of-center making oncoming cars swerve out of his way.

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I hardly ever shop at Wal-Mart...I dislike everything about that place. I would much rather grocery shop at Kroger's and if I need clothes or stuff like that then I hit the mall or outlet stores.

My thoughts and actions too.

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I do most of my shopping at giant eagle during the mornings. Few people there, the shelves are restocked from the weekend so no germy kids have been around the produce, and I usually run into the bread guy who always gives me coupons for my bread and beagles. I have very little patients when it comes to grocery stores. I know what I need so I want to get in and out in as little time as possible.

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.... and I usually run into the bread guy who always gives me coupons for my bread and beagles

See, we are not so different after all

Back on topic: I do lots of stupid things when I go anywhere so I try not to judge, but that doesn't stop me from road raging like fucking cray cray while shopping. My personal fave is when people waiting to pull out of a parking lane sit in the middle of the lane so another car can't pull in, and usually, this is totally harmless and unintentional on their part. I typically just go to the next lane cause it's no biggie, but occasionally I will pull halfway in til I am close to their bumper and just stare morosely in their eyes until their shame or pity or both forces them to back up, and realign themselves so I can pull in. Then they drive off feeling shamed cause an Asian driver chastised them for their poor driving manners.

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How about 4 kids and 2 carts? If that's ok, my family is safe! :lol:

We did the Wal-Mart thing yesterday, and surprisingly it wasn't bad! Maybe it was our choice of Wal-marts to visit? We went to the Lewis Center store. I was not happy when one of OUR kids started throwing a fit and crying (in the cart, not getting into anyone's way) on my way out.

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