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3 gun combo for when shtf


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What type of shtf are we talkin about

Say you were in a 5 man recon element who spent the night watching 100+ dismounts with armor and assorted technicals rape and kill everyone in a small town across an imaginary line. Skip ahead to the silent morning, nobody screams when they're dead. Post sunup half that motley group decides to go cross country across said imaginary line towards you instead of back the road they came. You can't break cover and your air assets are 27 minutes out with about 2 clicks till they're on you. You can smell them. They are coming.

That my friend is shtf.

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Say you were in a 5 man recon element who spent the night watching 100+ dismounts with armor and assorted technicals rape and kill everyone in a small town across an imaginary line. Skip ahead to the silent morning, nobody screams when they're dead. Post sunup half that motley group decides to go cross country across said imaginary line towards you instead of back the road they came. You can't break cover and your air assets are 27 minutes out with about 2 clicks till they're on you. You can smell them. They are coming.

That my friend is shtf.

Roger that

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Say you were in a 5 man recon element who spent the night watching 100+ dismounts with armor and assorted technicals rape and kill everyone in a small town across an imaginary line. Skip ahead to the silent morning, nobody screams when they're dead. Post sunup half that motley group decides to go cross country across said imaginary line towards you instead of back the road they came. You can't break cover and your air assets are 27 minutes out with about 2 clicks till they're on you. You can smell them. They are coming.

That my friend is shtf.

The smell of goat cheese and llama rape in the morning.

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30-06 700 mountain Rifle for the i dont want to be up close and personal with you

Ar because i have plenty of ammo and it is lite and easy to move with.

Right now M&PC .40cal becasue i am very familiar with the weapon but may go with the Kimber Custom II after i get some range time. :dunno:

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Say you were in a 5 man recon element who spent the night watching 100+ dismounts with armor and assorted technicals rape and kill everyone in a small town across an imaginary line. Skip ahead to the silent morning, nobody screams when they're dead. Post sunup half that motley group decides to go cross country across said imaginary line towards you instead of back the road they came. You can't break cover and your air assets are 27 minutes out with about 2 clicks till they're on you. You can smell them. They are coming.

That my friend is shtf.

So graphic.....!!! Good shtf scenario :bow:

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Hey someone has a Savage MKII listed. That would be a great beginner gun for you. Maybe you should check it out if Bowdog has not bought it already.


I may just do that, What kind of bullets does it shoot, Are they expensive, can I disable a tank with it at extreme distances, will it make me the most tacticool person around, will it pierce armor, can I kill a man at a mile,


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I may just do that, What kind of bullets does it shoot, Are they expensive, can I disable a tank with it at extreme distances, will it make me the most tacticool person around, will it pierce armor, can I kill a man at a mile,


I can do all of these things with my weenis!

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I may just do that, What kind of bullets does it shoot, Are they expensive, can I disable a tank with it at extreme distances, will it make me the most tacticool person around, will it pierce armor, can I kill a man at a mile,


All can be done with the .17

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Eh, my idea of shtf would be probably 8 small nukes exploding around the world, plenty of outages, gas not being delivered, etc. shit that would make rational people do irrational things.

+1 I think this is could/would be one of the many likely scenarios.....scary stuff....

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+1 I think this is could/would be one of the many likely scenarios.....scary stuff....

I think over inflation. Devaluation of currency, rioting in the streets is more likely. S will HTF when people can't feed their family because their money is worthless. Just my 2 cents.

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