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New Years Resolution - OhioRiders


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Don't worry bout seeing me there I tried a gym before not for me just gonna run around the property (12 acres) that and any Kinect games I have :D

i hate running. fun running is the fucking worst. The only way I can get my ass to do it is on a treadmill while reading a Tucker Max book and laughing my ass off as it distracts me from however long ive actually been on it

One of these days I'm actually gonna hook up the kinect and possibly get into those games to help

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i hate running. fun running is the fucking worst. The only way I can get my ass to do it is on a treadmill while reading a Tucker Max book and laughing my ass off as it distracts me from however long ive actually been on it

One of these days I'm actually gonna hook up the kinect and possibly get into those games to help

I hate treadmills can't stand the running in place rather look ahead and think "I'll sprint to that point then rest a lil, then start back up at that point"

Kinect will definitely wear you out (at least when ur outta shape those dance games are the best for it) I plan on mostly Kinect with some running when it's nice outside and not drinking as much pop as I do. I've been under 200 before when I was going into the AirForce (changed my mind) but that was taking in less than 1500 calories and jogging/walking 5 miles a day... Fuck that this time around

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I lost 30lbs between January and march last year. Gained 28 lbs from April to now. Going to do It again, but keep it off this time. Also going to keep my drinking to one/day (except weekends and holidays and difficult days and when the wife's pissed and after yard work).

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speaking of new years resolutions, I was pleasantly surprised to find the gym was pretty empty yesterday. When do all the resolutioners start going to the gym?

Who needs a gym. I have miles upon miles of country roads to jog on. When you hear the banjos playing it helps the heart rate pick up because it is now a run for your life... But gives you a kink in your neck from looking behind


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:p urban active has a room where you can watch movies and jog/eliptical/bicycle/stair climb/yoga ... its $30 a month and it gets my heart rate up without having to freeze my ass off in the cold (hate the cold unless i'm snowboarding... then its tolerable). I basically only exercise so that I can not have to buy a new wardrobe, and so that I can hike when it gets warm out, so whatever I do has to entertain me enough to keep on it. The theater seems to be doing it for me for now.
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Wow John, I had more posts the first 4.5 days I was a member than you have in 4.5 years of membership! Good to see ya getting active, better late than never right?:D

I plan to cut quite a bit of weight now that the holidays are over so my leather fits

I plan to run my bike at the OhioMile this year if my leather fits

I plan to partake in some trackdays at MO as soon as my leather fits

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Wow John, I had more posts the first 4.5 days I was a member than you have in 4.5 years of membership! Good to see ya getting active, better late than never right?:D

I plan to cut quite a bit of weight now that the holidays are over so my leather fits

I plan to run my bike at the OhioMile this year if my leather fits

I plan to partake in some trackdays at MO as soon as my leather fits

so what your saying is; your leather needs to fit? :D

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ok, just don't be like all the other NY resolutioners at the gym: Go to gym to burn calories, spend 10 minutes circling the lot for a close parking spot.


I always park out in BFE just to help burn the extra calories :D

The gf doesn't like it though :lol:

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