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99 Camping Tips


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Don't sleep with socks unless it is very cold. Your feet need to air out or they'll get nasty.

They talked about putting the next day's socks and underwear at your feet to keep them warm, I have done that with the entire next day's clothing.

Cut weight where you can. Instead of an ax and a hammer, buy one with both on it.

If you run out of clothing, hang them out in the sun and air all day to somewhat clean them.

Keeping your boots outside is good but be sure to check them for animals before you put them on.

Never leave your tent open, you'll get visitors.

Always carry duct tape and rope. I prefer paracord, a million uses.

Learn how to make lye.

Carry at least one decent fixed blade, a folder and a multi tool.

If you are back packing, get a good bag with sternum and waist straps and learn how to pack it properly.

Red lenses on lights will help to keep your night vision but still allow you to see.


You might not have cell signal.

Carry a first aid kit with bandages, wraps, heat/ice packs, tourniquet, etc

A set of work/mechnics gloves will come in handy.

Inspect yourself for ticks, rashes and infections.

Keep your feet dry and clean. Powder them if needed.

Chap stick.


A hat, preferably one that covers your neck too like a boonie hat.

Learn how to hunt, clean and cook animals, even if you bring food with you. You might get lost or run out.

Know what plants are edible. Many survival books have pictures of plants for you.

Can't think of anything else right now but I know I have more.

Edited by chevysoldier
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MRE's are great to have. If you use the heaters in them for your food, you can use them as heat packs inside your shirt or for your hands. WARNING: They get extremely hot and the fumes are bad for you.

I always kept water purifier tablets. Between boiling, tablets and knowing how collect water, you'll be set. A back up filter would be a good idea too. You can go longer without food than you can water so you'd better play it safe.

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Not for long term camping, but a weekend at the track, a jump box w/ outlet and a power inverter is a wonderful luxury...charge your electronics, blow up air matresses, etc..

lol, Sorry but if you have an air mattress it's not camping. I make fun of people with RV's that say they are "camping" too. :lol:

(no offense)

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-fill a garbage bag with pine needles.

-spread pine needles on ground, under tarp, which is under your tent.

-position your sleeping bag on top of the pine needles - makes a nice cushion.

-if in a state park, and if drinking beer, put it in a cup.

-if in a state park, and drinking beer, and it's not in a cup, and you and your buddies are drunk, and the park ranger comes over to have a chat, DO NOT refer to him as "Ranger Rick" - he won't be amused.

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-fill a garbage bag with pine needles.

-spread pine needles on ground, under tarp, which is under your tent.

-position your sleeping bag on top of the pine needles - makes a nice cushion.

-if in a state park, and if drinking beer, put it in a cup.

-if in a state park, and drinking beer, and it's not in a cup, and you and your buddies are drunk, and the park ranger comes over to have a chat, DO NOT refer to him as "Ranger Rick" - he won't be amused.

You can drink in WV state parks. FYI. :D

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Anyone have a good link to a book of plants that are edible in this area? I need to add a good survival book to my b.o.b.

Great idea. I had one years ago, but have no idea what happened to it. Definitely need another.

This one has some great reviews: http://www.amazon.com/Field-Guide-Edible-Wild-Plants/dp/039592622X

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lol, Sorry but if you have an air mattress it's not camping. I make fun of people with RV's that say they are "camping" too. :lol:

(no offense)

After a heavy night drinking at the track, an air mattress is the minimum for me to be able to walk the next day.:cry:

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If you're doing long term(weeks or months) camping/riding trips an air mattress sure makes the trip more enjoyable,and it doesn't take up that much more space.You can usually charge the pump at a restuarant,laundry or campsite.

A Kermit chair is another nice luxury.

A large dry bag can hold all your camping gear and you don't have to worry about rain ,otherwise keep in mind the dimensions of your storage units when you buy your gear.

I don't cook much so a Jet Boil is good enough for coffee,tea and soups.

Collapsable cooler comes in handy.

About a week before you take off pack your bike to make sure everything will fit,and then make adjustments accordingly.You'd be surprised how many people find out at the last minute that they can't take what they thought they could.Plus...take the loaded bike for a ride and check balance,it's best to go on a trial camping trip.

Pack the things you need more often closer to the top or outside of your storage compartments,it sucks to be digging for something in the rain or dark.

As they said...those little headlamps are essential,and pack tiny.

I love motorcycle camping trips.I've saved enough camping with the FJR to buy my KLR,and the people you meet are much more interesting than staying at a motel.Out of state plates on a motorcycle are a magnet for conversations,but of course,most people want to tell you about someone they know that got hurt or killed on a bike.

Edited by drc32-0
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100, make sure stripper pole is close to your cabin for conveniance

101, make sure cabin has fridge to keep beer & Jagermiester cold

102, dont pass out in the yard cause some Deliverance boy might think your cute

Make sure stripper is not from trailer park...or at least the very dark bars, lights so dim you can't tell if its her face or her ass.

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lol, Sorry but if you have an air mattress it's not camping. I make fun of people with RV's that say they are "camping" too. :lol:

(no offense)

If Im in a tent and I use my mouth to blow up my air mattress, you bet your ass its camping. and never drink then try to blow up your air mattress. Even if you arent Drunk Drunk, the lack of oxygen will cause you to be drunk before your done. and you will wake up on a very lightly inflated mattress.

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A self inflating pad is a godsend after a long day of riding and they don't take up much room in your pack.


If you go light, not much is lighter than an alcohol stove made from a pop can or aluminum beer bottle.


A cardboard/wax stove works well too.


If you're going camping on a bike trip, backpacking gear is the way to go.

Edited by psyco1
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A self inflating pad is a godsend after a long day of riding and they don't take up much room in your pack.


If you go light, not much is lighter than an alcohol stove made from a pop can or aluminum beer bottle.

a great little portable stove - YouTube

A cardboard/wax stove works well too.

If you're going camping on a bike trip, backpacking gear is the way to go.

Thank you for giving me something to do tomorrow

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