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Anyone have a squirrel trap I can use? I have a few that for awhile didn't bother me, but this year they decided it was warmer in my house than outside. Now they need to go. Also once I catch said squirrels I am going to "release" them :rolleyes: and I need a firearms safe place to do so.

I've read once they start going in houses they will go in some one elses if now killed. They also will return back to their original home if just released.

Let me know.

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I'm sure there's some messed-up city law that forbids you from transporting critters out of their native area - as if squirrels aren't everywhere...

I'd say take 'em to the park (on the other side of town), drown 'em, something. Pellet gun should work.

Just make sure they're out of your house ASAP. Once they start breeding...

Cat or dog could maybe get rid of them - I've got a fine huntin' cat I could loan ya, or get yourself one them little yippee dogs (cats that bark)...

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how is it the most humane? while i agree it will work fine - i dont see how a .22 would be less humane

unless youre referring to people saying to drown them

while were on the topic of humane killing, if SHTF - would a pellet gun have enough power to penetrate into somebodys brain, via their eye socket? pellets are cheap and could be used for zombie squirrel hunting and shooting your neighbors

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well I have removed a total of 4 squirrels so far and there are at least 2 more to go. This morning I checked the trap and had an unlikely captive. An opossum decided he wanted some peanut butter. They are not normally destructive, so I let him leave unscathed. I wish the other 2 squirrels would get in the trap though, they have gotten a bit smarter I guess.

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