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Looking for Legal Advise------REALTOR SAID HE IS GOING TO SUE ME!!


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jump him qick around no one hold him down make it clear that if he fucks with:beating: you anybuddy in relations with him is going to feal it along with him

Hell yeah! Then rape him! He well never forget messing with you!

Edited by kawi kid
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Not email. Registered mail. To your lawyer.

this would be the case if this greasy fucker is for real, but i'm guessing no real lawsuit will occur. best thing to do for now is to document everything as well as possible without incurring expense.

this changes if you have a lawyer buddy who will play the posturing/letter writing game for free/cheap.

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I need to acquire a lawyer buddy. I have closed communication with him. As Lenny mikes dad called me threatening me again this morning. He even as what I wanted this more. He asked me if I wanted $350 like he was offering to pay me off.

I have enough documentation, and evidence at this point. If he wants to go to court im fully prepared. I have a private investigator that's doing my child custody case, I'll have her interview my banker and the appraiser if need be. That's if we ever do go to court.

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I need to acquire a lawyer buddy.

Until you do, cease communication with this guy. If he calls, politely tell him you will not discuss the matter with him anymore. Then politely say goodbye and hang up. You will gain nothing by talking to him and might say something that will be used against you. To answer your original question yes he can sue you. I can sue you for having a crappy avatar. Anyone can sue anyone. Will he win? I don't think so but I am just a server jockey that rides motorcycles. My opinion is worth exactly what you paid for it. Nothing. Can you afford to defend yourself...does your homeowners insurance cover you...do you have a liability rider to cover this shit (they cost like 75 bucks a year for a million btw). Only you can answer that question.

BTW, I think your review is gone. I can't find it.

Edit: And don't bother getting a lawyer until he actually sues you. I doubt he will, you will just be wasting time and money.

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I re-edited the review.

It has stated that Mike told me he held off my appraiser from entering the property. Because he specifically told me "we kept him from coming." So I made a few phone calls about the appraisal deal, found out some information that backed my statement, but untimely the listing realtor had to make the call to the appraiser to put them off. So I removed Mike's name from saying he physically kept them from coming, instead I put the appraiser was delayed.

Now since I made the edit, Zillow has to review it and will republish it up to 7 days later. So I have a feeling that Mike is going to think he won, yet what he doesn't know is I'M NOT DELETING IT! I just made some correct adjustments that I thought needed done. When I spoke to mike and lenny the other day I told them I would do this. I kept my word. I'm not a liar, and the review is 100% correct.

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the review is 100% correct.

then according to my realtor, you are 100% legal, you can post your story to any public forums, take out a 2 page ad in the local newspaper, or post a billboard with your experience, legally they have nothing on you.

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