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School shooting


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I hope his asshole and mouth are stretched way more than mine at the trackdays. This dude is truly the epitome of trash, what he said to the families is unreal, I forget which news source posted it, but holy cow it was graphic and really not necessary to publish. Most others just said he said soemthing too cruel and sick to publish.

I hope he suffers often and the pain is more than any he's ever felt before.

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Just think, this piece of shit will be getting all the medical care he needs for the rest of his life, for free. :nono:

I'm confident his whole persona is an act. If he has ANY hope of staying alive in prison, he will learn to fly under the radar. This kid really is dilusional. He still doesn't seem to grasp that he isn't some kind of hero for bullied kids.

"The rest of his life" won't be that long.

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Wow, wore the killer shirt, flipped the court and families off and cussed at the victim families. He is a evil boy for sure...I hope he gets beat to death in prison.

should hear exactly what he said

'This hand that pulled the trigger that killed your sons now masturbates to the memory. F*** all of you,'

Lets see if he is still saying that after they tie him down with a bed sheet and make his ass look like the Grand Canyon.

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Not surprising, what does he have to lose at this point? The verdict was in, the sentence was obvious. The only power he had left was to affect your feelings... Kinda sad really, but apparently it worked....

Had he apologized or been remorseful, would that have changed anything?

He'll spend the rest of his life in a cage, and that was happening regardless of his remarks.

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While I understand the hatred toward TJ Lane, I think it's highly hypocritical to wish death upon him.

TJ Lane hated a handful of classmates. As a result, he killed three of them and paralyzed one.

The only thing that separates monsters like him from the rest of civilized society is our restraint. We hate TJ Lane, therefore he deserves to die? Sounds a lot like his logic, and not very civilized at all.

Lock him up and don't let him out. Killing him doesn't bring anyone back, it just makes us as bad as he is. Besides, killing him would only end his suffering. I'd much rather he lives long enough to really grasp what he's done, and live with that kind of remorse. That's punishment. Killing him is just revenge.

I'm sure many of you will disagree.

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More pain is called by this judicial process. Just shoot the dirt bag and begin the healing process for those left behind.

HA!! The death penalty strings out the process by DECADES. This kid will have exhausted his appeals within a couple of years.

capital cases are a huge waste of time and money. Eliminating the death penalty would be a huge cost saver.

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Uh ya. Explain the difference between if someone shot him dead directly while committing this crime or shooting him later. Difference is time, exposure, lawyers, drawn out pain and bullshit. What if he drew on you during the crime and u just happened to pop him. You'd be a hero and the families of ones lost would have moved on with their lives by now.

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