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Anyone interested in a 30hr road trip to GA?


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Basicly i have no real freinds that wanna spend 30 hrs with me in a car. So basicly im looking for someone that would wanna ride along with me to GA to pick up my enlosed trailer and help keep me awake, and maybe do a little driving. Im leaving Fri. the 9th around 4 or 5 pm ish and driving to Fitgerald, Ga to pick up my trailer and back, should be back around 11p-12a saturday night. Ill pay for your grub and refreshments. Qualifications are, must have a large bladder(i never stop..lol), and if you can drive must have your own isurance(my insurance policy rule not mine)...I'v got a couple buddies that said maybe but im not counting on them.

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I might be intrested in this adventure

that would be cool let me find out for sure from my "buddy" if he wants to go or not...wish there was some where to drop the trailer in knoxville, id take you a tour of deals gap on the way back

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that would be cool let me find out for sure from my "buddy" if he wants to go or not...wish there was some where to drop the trailer in knoxville, id take you a tour of deals gap on the way back

if you're serious, check with a local suburban PD or FD. When I was going to take my bike to SC, the upscale island my parents rented a house on would not allow me to bring a trailer onto the Island. One of the island PD had a friend at a local suburb PD and they were going to let me keep it there in the parking lot for nothing

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that would be cool let me find out for sure from my "buddy" if he wants to go or not...wish there was some where to drop the trailer in knoxville, id take you a tour of deals gap on the way back

Here's your tour...you go up a hill, go down a hill turn left turn right a few times. Repeat a couple times and there's your tour of deals gap.

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What's the update

Sorry its been a busy couple of days, if u wat the seat it's yours. Only other person that said he would go is my dad and with his back and health I really dont want him to go and hurt himself. So r u in?

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