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Son of a #1&$@!!!


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So I am sitting in my new apartment, watching this weeks episode of Eastbound and Down, smoking a bowl, eating some cupcakes. I was enjoying my class free evening after a long day of work. Next thing I know I hear a my door bell go off like rapid fire! I froze, thinking one of my neighbors called the cops for me smoking weed. Sat there for a minute... then there was a pounding on my door! I am freaking out at this moment, acting like I don't hear anything. The foot steps walking away. I get up to look out the peephole and I notice a man with a black jacket on talking to my 75 year old neighbor. I grab my bowl and put it in the fridge, when I come back the man is gone. I wait another couple minutes then go to peak outside. I get just to the point where my eye is above the stairs(Im on the bottom floor that is half underground), and there are no reds or blues. I look outside at my car, then look for my bike, pause for a second to determine if the bike if ok because it is mostly blocked by a car and :eek: MY BIKE IS ON ITS SIDE!!!!!!


I am so MAD! I go to try and lift it up stoned off my ass, its not working. I come back in to see if my neighbor was trying to tell me this, maybe he hit it with his car and wanted to tell me, I don't know. I get to his door and the maintenance guy for the apartment complex comes out with a black coat on. He says he was pounding on my door because he knows that was my bike. So we go out and lift it up to find my tail plastics cracked, my turn signal busted, and the clutch cover scratched. As well as the brand new cover that my brother got me for christmas was torn.

I don't know who else here is from Elyria, if so correct me if I am wrong, there was no wind tonight was there? Because I don't think so, and even if there was, there would need to be an awful lot to be able to knock a bike over on the KICKSTAND side am I right? I think someone hit it and took off, or someone just decided to knock it over but I have a hard time believing this just happened.



On a brighter note, I ordered a bunch of parts for the bike today to get it up and running and I now have even more motivation to paint my bike white and black, and to get some flush mount rear turns. The next good weekend its on!!

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that blows man, hope you get her healed quick!
Dude, sorry to hear that

Yeah, well either I am too high to care, or I am not extremely mad(just slightly at the fact, not so much the damage) but this just forces me to repaint the bike, which I was planning on doing anyway so its kinda like a motivator.

Keep the bike in your apt

Ok, ill just ride it up and down 7 stairs to get it in my apartment lol. Although, that is a major consideration to think about for future apartments.

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Ok, ill just ride it up and down 7 stairs to get it in my apartment lol. Although, that is a major consideration to think about for future apartments.

You don't ride it Jackwagon, you walk it with hands on the levers. I did it for 2 years and several others have done it too. Make your next apt a ground floor unit.

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You don't ride it Jackwagon, you walk it with hands on the levers. I did it for 2 years and several others have done it too. Make your next apt a ground floor unit.

You must not have seen me at Buddys, I do not think I would be able to get a 700lbs bike up my apartment stairs lol

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You must not have seen me at Buddys, I do not think I would be able to get a 700lbs bike up my apartment stairs lol

Whoolie it up the steps, puss. :D

Build Evel Knievel-style ramp, open door,...


Edited by jblosser
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You must not have seen me at Buddys, I do not think I would be able to get a 700lbs bike up my apartment stairs lol

Your bike does not weight even close to 700 pounds. You dont push it, you have the motor running. A hand on the the clutch and the other on the front brake and let it do the work going up. Going down you have motor off and in 1st gear so you can use the clutch as a rear brake.

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You should go treat yourself to one of those new KFC Chicken Pot Pies.

That's three of your favorite things in one package you fucking stoner!

Tater bowl is much better when your stoned.

On a related note, can I just use bondo on that or is there a certain way I should repair it?

Buy a new used one on the Fleabay and paint it. The orig looks fuuuuucked.

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Insurance? I don't think rates should go up for "vandalism".

Do not have comp, the bike just isn't worth the extra $500 a year for it. All it is costing me really is a can of bondo and new turn signals, which I was going to get anyway.

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