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Why are flip-down visors becoming a fad?


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I have the exo 1000, I could live with or with out the visor though I will agree it has its benefits. I perfer sunglasses on a very sunny day. On a overcast day the scorpion visor is good. The biggest benefit is riding late in the day through the mountains with the sun in front of you. At the top of the hills the sun is very bright and its almost dark on the back side of the hills and in tree cover. Its very easy to flip the visor up and down which gives maximum visibility

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I am looking at new lids. I saw a few with the visor on the outside. That doesn't appeal to me. I like the visor that comes down on the inside but I only seem them on the modular helmets, not the standard full face.

IS-16 is full face, not modular. I've had mine for 2 years.

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I've ridden in dusk with a dark smoke visor, my eyes seem to be able to adjust ok since there isn't any bright light "leaking" in to blind me. Since I'm on temps I can't ride at night anyway.

When it comes to it I'll probably just cary my clear one in one of the bags.

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tried one, hated it...

happy with my shoei 1000 and sunglasses or shoei and safety glasses, allows for multiple levels of tint...

Tinted shoei sheild plus sunglasses for brightest mornings and evenings riding into the sun, one clear and other tinted for regular sunlight, both clear for night, and my tank bag holds it all, I gotta stop for gas from time to time anyway, so it's no biggie to swap glasses/sheilds.

And screw RX glasses, all contacts 100% of the time until I get lasered.

also i carry multiple pairs of safety glasses at night, glasses get too loaded with gnats, pull over, swap, ride, pull over, swap, ride...(not something easily done with flip down visor.)

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I love the internal visors, at least as done on the Caberg lids. I have three helmets with them, and they're all optically perfect and unobtrusive. I will never own a helmet that doesn't have one again.

As to the effectiveness, at least with mine you can get whatever shades for the visor you want, you don't have to live with a light tint.

I think if you have issues with visors, you haven't tried the right helmet.

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The visor doesn't even dim the sun though. It tints everything a light blue, but the sun still blinds you.

What visor are you using, a smoked visor or a colored visor? It sounds like you are using a blue one. The colored visors are not intended to shade your eyes, they are meant to enhance definition. That is why shooters often wear yellow shooting glasses.

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it was a darker tinted one, just not enough. nor did it reduce glare from the other visor.

my original reason for creating the thread was because i had just finished my (free) motorcyclist mag, and noted all the helmet ads with internal visors. remembering my bad experience, i ranted.

and casper(i think?), i agree. increasing weight is the very least thign i want to do.

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I know you made the purchase but wanted to throw an alternative out there for others considering the same.

Considered one of these internal visor lids but ended up with a Bell Star and added the SOLFX Transitions shield ... Best thing ever. Super fast change to dark and no fiddling with it. The star was so much more comfortable to me than scorpions and lighter. The transitions shield fits a bunch of the bell helmets.

More manufacturers really should get on the transition shield path it is such a great idea.

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