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Screen names and why...


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Came up in conversation a couple times at the Dayton meet-n-greet about screen names and why they are what they are.......figured I start things up.

"Hellmutt" is a bit of wordplay between my last name ( like the mayonaise;)), my ancestral history ( German-Austrian-American, hence "mutt" ), and something bike related -- so I simply spell HELMET as HELLMUTT........it's got NOTHING to do with my faith, or lack thereof; and in no way am I a satanist or live in a satanic way so please strike that from your records :D

Now, on to everyone else...

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There's a few of these threads. Jussayin. Mine is chevysoldier because I like Ford. And am in the air force

I searched "screen names" threads and nothing title as such? :dunno:

and your's was almost obivous to me, except for the Ford lovin' part :D

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I searched "screen names" under threads, not posts.......so apparently the plural "names" had the search engine buffalo'd? :wtf:

Sorry folks, didn't mean to pour salt on anyone's freshly rashed teabag -- just figured I'd start up a thread and get some answers......:beathorse:

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...Seems to fit. I normally hang out on the fringe of the crowd…quiet, watching, listening, always thinking, and by-and-large opportunistic with regard to a joke or a point. I am liked by few and generally considered a nuisance.

Also a nickname given me by my relatives ("Masleca"), as my mind is always working the angles to make a joke, a point, or to generally catch someone off.

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