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Oil and Gas wells in Ohio, leases, Hydraulic fracking


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Good video explaining how they Frack.


They have been fracking the well near me for a week now. Non-stop tanker trucks down my road.

An informative site on Carrol counties oil and gas boom questions, answers, information, complaints.


P.S. In my opinion, stay away from a company called Wishgard or any other Lease jockey for that matter. Lease direct. (Although there is a risk to not sell and hold out for more.) They are trying to buy up leases on the cheap near Columbus, Ohio before people realize what's going on. I heard WishGaurd had a public meeting near Columbus trying to get everyone to lease their gas and oil rights offering $800/acre and 12% royalties with and additional bonus. My buddies parents were there and then they organized their own public meeting. A Wishgard employee was quietly in the crowd at their public meeting. Apparently the Wishgard employee showed up at my buddies parents house the next day upset they formed a meeting with a Lawyer & told his parents I was lying about what they are paying in Carrol county and he's the only one that can bring the oil men not some Lawyer. Problem is $1.50/acre was normal at one time for a lease and unknowing people are going to get ripped off. Ticks me off. I'm told, oil & gas companies won't be out that way for another 8 months or so.

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P.S. In my opinion, stay away from a company called Wishgard or any other Lease jockey for that matter. Lease direct

Bingo! Everyone that asks me this is exactly what I tell them, you WILL get swindled by a 3rd party leaser. I cannot stand them, they are worse than shady used car salesmen

Also another good tip, band together with your neighbors for maximum value as the wells they are drilling now need lots of acreage due to regulations. Once your neighbors start getting swindled or settling, it really puts a damper on negotiating power for yourself

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My buddies family in eastern ohio formed a group with about 100 other land owners in the area and agreed to sell only if they bought from everyone. Worked for both parties as the company was guaranteed a massive area of land and the owners got to negotiate their price.. The people that sold individually got $1,200 per acre and the group of owners got $4,000 an acre + royalties.

The best profit will be if they can form a group with all the other landowners in the area.

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