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Bullying advice.


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Don't let your kid get bullied make sure he knows he is allowed to defend himself but he is not to be the one starting it and that you will not punish him for defending himself or siblings. As far as the school not doing anything you have given them the opportunity to correct the problem I agree with Tonik call the media.

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The mental damage from being bullied, and having someone else fight your battle for you is worse than any memory of an ass kicking. A fat lip or bruises earned in a schoolyard scrap is nothing, less than nothing, in the course of your life. Being scared and being teased will shape your entire adulthood.

I think boys need to learn how to cope with it, even if it means they lose a fight or two. In fact, fighting back doesn't very often go their way (too many people think the world works like Ralphie/Scott Farcas, and I got news for ya Scott wins more times than not). But, the resistance tells the bully this victim is not worth the effort or trouble, and sadly to some kids prone to this violence or resistance is all they respect.

Walking away and having you step in, or a teacher, just fuels their anger and it also can prompt other kids to tease, harass or label the bullied and that's worse than whatever happened to begin with.

Yes, your son's resistance will likely get him in trouble (with the school), but it will probably be better for his soul than any PC justice the school can deliver.

Before you think I know not of what I speak, I have dealt with this with my daughter and she learned, as I said, that the harassment stops when she stands up for herself.

Nail on the head. I was relentlessly torment by a hid in middle school. The one day I had enough of it and back handed him across the face hard enough that he went to the nurses office (I was a competitive swimmer at the time so there was some force behind it) . When the principle called me into the office I thought I was screwed. After explaining my situation she agreed that something had to be done. Kid never gave me any trouble after that.

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My kids know that as long as they don't start it they can finish it and they will not be punished at home. Send your kid back to school and tell him to fight back taking him out is going to make kids pick on him even more.

x eleventy billion

schools are a lot more like prisons than people realize. Once he defends himself and shows everyone he isn't a pushover a lot of problems will be alleviated. Again this is coming from first hand experience from my childhood. Not to mention if you're historically a good kid defending yourself against a known troublemaker 9 times out of 10 I noticed you got a slap on the wrist punishment wise

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After talking to the resource officer at the school I am satisfied. The wife not so much. I did let the school know that if anything happens again my son will be beating this kids ass and that I expect no repercussions.

As for the twenty or so bikes picking him up from school. Pick a day. The kids get out at 2:30. I live outside of Troy (Google maps if you don't know). All though the daughter would get a bigger kick out of this. She would be all about it.

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After talking to the resource officer at the school I am satisfied. The wife not so much. I did let the school know that if anything happens again my son will be beating this kids ass and that I expect no repercussions.

As for the twenty or so bikes picking him up from school. Pick a day. The kids get out at 2:30. I live outside of Troy (Google maps if you don't know). All though the daughter would get a bigger kick out of this. She would be all about it.

Ninjanick can get a group together, he is the man in dayton.

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After talking to the resource officer at the school I am satisfied. The wife not so much. I did let the school know that if anything happens again my son will be beating this kids ass and that I expect no repercussions.

Good to hear, seems to be the concensus here that your son fight back - afterall, its basically instinct to do so when someone is threatened with a possible hand to hand attack, guns and knives are another matter. I only lost my first fight in grade school, after that I made sure to finish what others started - but that wasnt often since I was one of the biggest boys there :D Some kids feel a need to prove themselves in front of their friends and peers. Most confrontations I had in highschool were won verbally before it ever got physical, but I prided myself in fluent English back then......plus I look a whole lot meaner than I actually am:D

I'm down with the school meet and ride, like its been said - what kid WOULDN'T want a bike pack to come and gve him a lift in front of all their friends!! Even if its just you, me, Brandt, Vandy, other various locals:D

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I am more pissed about the schools lack of doing anything about it. After some conversations with other parents this is nothing new.

you need to a) document everything that you can. (remember ohio is a one party recording state. so if you speak with someone on the phone, only one party has to consent to recording it i.e. you). record anything you can. the administrators, the teacher, the school cop... they will all say one thing to your face, then deny they ever said it.

b) talk to the teacher/principal whoever and call them out on this.

if they know its going on, and they arent doing anything about it, then you need to raise hell.

Edited by John
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I think a lawsuit is a dumb idea, your kid got his shirt ripped and a bride on his arm. Those are your damages. No judge is going to take you seriously. Kids get into fights, kids get bullied, its just what happens. I used to get bullied till I put a kid through the trophy case in front of half the school. Teach your kid to stand up for himself, don't set a pussy example by running to the courts.

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Wow did that give me a trip down memory lane.

I was in 8th grade and a deaf kid took a thick rubber band stretched it as far as he could and hit me in the cheek. He was always clowning on someone. My reaction was hitting him in the face, and then hitting him some more. Needless to say I was suspended and then a bunch of people wanted to beat me up for it.

Then in 9th grade we had a handicaped kid in art class. The kid was constantly being a problem and I dont think the teacher new what to do about it. One day he was sitting by me and kept writing on my drawing. Finally I got mad enough to throw his pencil across the room, rip his paper in half and then waived my fist at him. The teacher had a blank look on his face and that was the last time the kid did anything to me.

As far as your situation goes do whatever you feel is appropriate. Yes I would press charges, and yes I would call the media. I agree with getting him involved in some kind of contact sport (if he agrees to it).

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After talking to the resource officer at the school I am satisfied. The wife not so much. I did let the school know that if anything happens again my son will be beating this kids ass and that I expect no repercussions.

As for the twenty or so bikes picking him up from school. Pick a day. The kids get out at 2:30. I live outside of Troy (Google maps if you don't know). All though the daughter would get a bigger kick out of this. She would be all about it.

Pick a day and let me know. I'll come ride

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Bullying has always been around, but now it is documented with camera and video phones so it seems like it happens more.

I went to 2 different schools in 4th grade, 2 different schools in 5th grade, and 3 different schools in 7th grade. All from my folks moving and going to live with my other parent. I had to prove myself almost everyplace I went, but by golly, it worked.

Good luck. I hope it works out good for your shorty.

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After talking to the resource officer at the school I am satisfied. The wife not so much. I did let the school know that if anything happens again my son will be beating this kids ass and that I expect no repercussions.

I'm glad the school is at least attempting to be cooperative. Given the bully's disability, they may be in a tough spot themselves.

I'll echo the opinions of others and simply say that the school deserves an opportunity to deal with this on their terms, but if they are not providing a safe environment for your son, then he is certainly entitled to defend himself by fighting back. At that young of an age, it would take some extraordinary circumstances to have any disciplinary action be a problem down the road.

I got pulled into the principal's office in 4th grade for defending myself. (Bad may actually have had Mr. Carpas as well) I was told "it's school policy not to fight back." My dad showed up to a meeting w/ my parents and the bully's, and politely told the principal, "well, it's family policy that we do fight back."

I was asked to step out of the office, but I overheard my dad ask the principal (who was a boxer for many years) "Nick, how many times would you stand there and get pushed or punched before you fought back?" His only response to my dad was that his personal policy had no bearing on school policy.

The other kid's parents were actually pretty nice about it and didn't go all, "not MY angel!" The kid was still a dick to me for 3 or 4 years after that though...

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Sorry to hear that is happening, I agree that pulling him out of school will only add fuel to the fire. Why don't you take it up directly with the kids parents and circumvent the failing school system. If the meeting with the kids parents goes south just whip that kids fathers ass and tell the little shit he is next!

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Twenty bikes picking up the kid sounds cool. Monday would be better for me. And first one to the house has to wake me up. He gets out of school around 2:30, if your game I'll pm you my address.

I do have to be into work between 3:30 and 4:00 though. So any riding afterward will be minus me.

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am i the only one that thinks that 9 year olds are too stupid to be intimidated by a bunch of sport bikes?

or am I missing the point and you're going for the cool factor?

Bitches love motorcycles no matter what their age. I am sure it would make him feel like a badass

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am i the only one that thinks that 9 year olds are too stupid to be intimidated by a bunch of sport bikes?

I was thinking the same thing but didn't have the balls to say it. I am glad you did. Not saying sport bikers are sissy's. They would certainly win on the cool factor, but intimidating. Not really.

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Nail on the head. I was relentlessly torment by a hid in middle school. The one day I had enough of it and back handed him across the face hard enough that he went to the nurses office (I was a competitive swimmer at the time so there was some force behind it) . When the principle called me into the office I thought I was screwed. After explaining my situation she agreed that something had to be done. Kid never gave me any trouble after that.

Was that in Texas? I'm glad someplace is still like that. I never got in trouble for fights. I told the truth, and it was always some one else started it, or I was defending some one from a bully. In all cases the opponent needed what they got. And no, I didn't win them all. But they didn't mess with me anymore.

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My first experience with a bully was in fifth grade. The other kid had been held back and was a lot bigger than everyone in our grade. One day he was messing with some of my friends on the playground and I told him to leave them alone and he pulled the "what are you going to do about it runt? I dare you to hit me!" I said "I'll make you stop". He started walking towards me with that I'm going to kick your ass swagger and I'll never forget me throwing that first punch I threw as he lifted his arms to shove me I had to jump to be able to hit him in the face. But I got him pretty good and pissed him off more. I was in my second year of wrestling so when he ran at me I didn't even think about it and went in for a double leg takedown. He landed a few flailing shots to my back as I picked him up then slammed him down on the gravel. That ended the fight and I went from being pissed to excited + happy to scared shitless that I had hurt somebody and was going to get in trouble. But no one told and he left everyone alone after that. We kind of became friends after that.

Glad you guys got that worked out early on. Before it came to violence.

A bunch of bikers regardless of what there riding freaks non bikers out for some reason. A bunch of kids will freak out and think its kind of scary and really cool. Something tells me the school will ask you motto have all your biker buddies show up at the school again. I'd be down for this ride if I wasn't 2000 miles away.

Sport bikers not being intimidating? Haven't you seen biker boys or torque or the Japanese guys from the original fast in furious or mad max? You KNOW those dudes were badass! Lol.

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Sport bikers not being intimidating? Haven't you seen biker boys or torque or the Japanese guys from the original fast in furious or mad max? You KNOW those dudes were badass! Lol.

They were all Gay Hollywood actors. Nothing wrong with being gay, it just isn't that intimidating. :lol:

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