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ganglion cyst..... to pop, or not?

kawi kid

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Hit it ,shot it, use a hammer, I promise I won,t fell it

I'm gonna go out on a limb and suggest that if he shot the cyst then he would probably feel it a little. :wtf:

Having said that, when the washer door slammed on mine it was painless. Just don't hit hard enough to damage the wrist. Sledgehammers, guns, grenades or tactical nukes are a bad idea.

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however you handle it, you must video it. This is our cyst now.

I vote lance it and squeeze that shit out.

The official cyst of OhioRiders. Casper is working with the trademark lawyers now. We will need you to tattoo "tm" on the bump

If you just stab it with a needle then it will express under the skin (same effect as the heavy book approach). It would have to be lanced using a large bore needle. Just make sure it it sterile.

I personally would not want to stick needles into my wrist. The structures in there are complex and delicate and you could do some damage if you don't know what you are doing.

But video and youtube whatever you do.

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Is the wrist the only place these appear?

I have a large bump just below my elbow that looks similar, I thought it was from an injury, maybe not, it has been there for years.

I can't believe I am asking for medical advice on here...:nono:

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Is the wrist the only place these appear?

I have a large bump just below my elbow that looks similar, I thought it was from an injury, maybe not, it has been there for years.

I can't believe I am asking for medical advice on here...:nono:

there is only 1 way to tell... do the official ganglion cyst test of OR.

with a meat hammer.

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But your ok with smashing it with a heavy ass book haha.

When did I say that? :confused:

The closest I got to anything remotely like advocating intentionally hitting it was when I said; "Don't hit it hard enough to damage your wrist."

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It's really no big deal dude, just stop being a pussy and whack it already. I know someone who had one for a week, and seriously I just judo-chopped it with my hand and it went right away. No pain, no drama, no nothing. Looked exactly like yours on the wrist. Never came back either.

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