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Detroit Ambulance Breaks Down in Ring of Gunfire


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I lived in or around Detroit during the 60's and into the 70's. I remember it as a good place, and at the time it was the #3 largest city in the US, behind #1 NYC and #2 Chicago. To see what it is today sickens me. Heck the pop. is hardly more than Columbus these days.


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Its been my experience that celebratory gun fire is just aa painful as hostile gun fire. Of the gun shot vics I've treated I've yet to be able to tell the difference in the wounds. Your results may vary.

I'm talking about the sheer war-zone quantity of shots. If this is celebratory gunfire (which I understand is illegal) then that's different than if there are dozens of murders all happening at once...

Sure, it doesn't matter to the guy with a bullet in him whether it came horizontally or downwards at 45deg... I'm just in a state of disbelief that there can be any place in the US where there are dozens of violent gun crimes all happening at the same time within in earshot.

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I'm talking about the sheer war-zone quantity of shots. If this is celebratory gunfire (which I understand is illegal) then that's different than if there are dozens of murders all happening at once...

Sure, it doesn't matter to the guy with a bullet in him whether it came horizontally or downwards at 45deg... I'm just in a state of disbelief that there can be any place in the US where there are dozens of violent gun crimes all happening at the same time within in earshot.

all it takes is one extended shootout to make the sounds from that video....i dont think its unreasonable to believe that that sort of thing happens here....hell, there are gang shootouts like that all over the US, probably more than you realize

not to say it wasnt celebratory, but if it came out that it wasnt, i wouldnt be shocked

Edited by Steve Butters
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I'm talking about the sheer war-zone quantity of shots. If this is celebratory gunfire (which I understand is illegal) then that's different than if there are dozens of murders all happening at once...

Sure, it doesn't matter to the guy with a bullet in him whether it came horizontally or downwards at 45deg... I'm just in a state of disbelief that there can be any place in the US where there are dozens of violent gun crimes all happening at the same time within in earshot.

The issue is that its not usually straight or angled into the air even. I knew of a family from Detroit who regretted going home every New Years because they would have to celebrate by laying down on their floor in case rounds came through the walls because people weren't paying attention.

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It's not uncommon to find spent rounds lying on the streets and sidewalks downtown, after New Year's Eve. The way I figure it, the total number of them must be pretty high, considering many must wind up in green spots and landscaping where they can't be seen.

Here's one I found a few years back. It obviously bounced down the road a ways:

Other guys found some, maybe total of 6 various spent rounds found on sidewalks that I knew of...

.45 bullet found on street - New Year's 2009


Edited by ReconRat
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